Creepypastas Got Talent!

273 10 15

Read last comment section srry XP
Oh and most of this is based off of americas got talent CX
Everyone: Awwww *group hugz with all the people who commented*

Splendor: *pours everyones favorite canyz on them*

Slender: Oh by the way Ecthed, Ben likes Hannah

Hannah: If he touches me I will kill him... Oh! And by the way! Jacaline, I have got a magic trick for you! Slendy will be nicer after this!!!!

Slender: awwww maan I know what your gonna do...

Hannah: Alright, sit down Slendy Wendy

Slender: don't call me that...

Hannah: OK! So Slender, how old are you?

Slender: lost count but I will say around 450-550

Hannah: Dang! Ok, look into the palm of my hand and imagine a clock that has the numbers 500 to 5. *spins finger on hand like a clock while Slender watches*

Everyone: ...

Hannah: Ok Slender, listen, Sleep.

Slender: *head drops*

[No, his head did not fall off XD it just drooped down]

Hannah: Ok Slender, you are a very happy person and you love humans. Wake up.

Slender: *awake now*

Hannah: Splendor, come here and love on him like you do every day!

Splendor: Hia brother! *runs and hugs him*

Slender: *stands up* HaHa Hello brother *hugs back*

Everyone Else: !!!!

Hannah: ok you can let go now. *writes on a piece of paper*
Slender, read this to yourself out loud

Slender: Go. To. Slee- *now is asleep and falls back into the chair*

Hannah: hows that for hypnotism!

Offendy: Yay! Now we get a happy slender unless Hannah changes him back!

Hannah: If any of you in the comments comment Go. To. Sleep. than you will put Slender to sleep. Please don't do it more than once... XD
Who should I hypnotise next????

Insert dirty smirk here

Ask or Dare/Role Play w/ Slender Family ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now