I missssssssssssssssssssssed the basket...

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Redpandakiller : Alright Slenderman I dare you to be friendly to Jeff *hugs Hoodie*

Hoodie: Chu! *hugs back*

Slender: Uuugggghhh..

Jeff: Yea ugly, be nice!

Slender: *grumbles*

Jeff: What was that? Be more polite please!

Slender: *smiles internally* *Gets a little cocky on purpose* Well my dear Jeff, I wanted to ask you a question with all do respect.

Jeff: Go on.

Slender: Do you want to have a bad time?

Jeff: *aaaaaaand he's gone*


leighisawsome: I dare Splendor to be a jerk for the whole day XD Tell him I'm sorry!

Splendor: *whimper* *Punched Offender in the nose, kicks Slender in the crotch, and corndogs Trender* Are you happy?

*All three groan in pain*


skittzpokemon: I dare all of you except Offender to turn into girls. Can't say anything about it either!

Slender: *sigh* Well, at least nothing hurts now..

Trender: Didn't this like, already happen to us?

Splendor: ...

Offender: Hehe.. Hey Splendy~ Are you on your period?

Splendor: *punches him in the nose again*


🎉🎉Slender and Masky now have a son and he is like maybe already fully grown XD🎉🎉

By ari43217 -- Aiden: OK, first off, dad, can you please tell uncle Trender to stop taking the cloths out of my closet and replacing them with 'new' fashions. I LIKE MY CLOTHS THE WAY THEY FREAKING ARE SO STAAAAHHHPPPP.

Slender: Stop that Trender..

Trender: *grumpy 'face'* Fiiinnee...


*This person could not comment so they messaged me*

SnowMWoods: *The hidden girl softly and shyly stared at Slender* H-Hello Slender I-I-I have a question for you would y-y-y-you be willing to go on a date with me?

Slender: I am already with someone, but if it is ok with him, we could 'go out' sometime as friends.. I guess..


Hai! <3 :3

Ask or Dare/Role Play w/ Slender Family ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now