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Splendor: hey guys i'm so sorry I haven't been updating. The reason why is because i've been so sick
Slender: yes but none the less, Splendy said we could update so here it is!
By CreepyDoll *lowers ears a bit* Oh... Slenders taken? Okay... I dare all of you to play DDR *walks away*
Splendor: Hey Doll can you help me play? I don't want you to be sad.. Don't worry the sickness I have is not contagious at all.
**After all of them ay DDR**
Slender: *pant* *pant* that was... Hard
Trender: well I beat this game easily...
Offender: it was definitely hard for me
Splendor: I missed every step...

Ask or Dare/Role Play w/ Slender Family ((Completed))Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz