Chapter Nintey-Seven

Start from the beginning

He smiles and nods.

"Is there anything you need us to do?" Annie asks nicely.

"Call the girls and tell them I'm in labor but they're not allowed in the room. Don't tell them you were allowed in and if they show up, leave." I explain.

"Okay." She says and leaves the room to call.

Bristol stands up and walks over to me.

"You look good for being in labor, Kat." She laughs and manages to make me laugh too.

"Thanks." I say. I know damn well she's lying and so is Peeta when they say I don't look like shit right now.

"I think she looks absolutely beautiful." Peeta says and Bristol agrees.

I roll my eyes at them, extremely annoyed.

They bring me some ice.

"Chew on the ice if you want, it helps. They said no water but it helps you stay hydrated." The nurse says.

I sigh, "Can I eat?"

She shakes her head.

I groan.

Of course I'm starving and it's only been a few hours since I ate.

"I'll sneak you some food later if you want me to." Peeta whispers in my ear after the nurse exits.

This sucks.

I can't eat and my body feels like it's being ripped apart, which I guess it is in a way.

I keep getting the urge to push but I don't.
I just let the urge pass along with the two minute intervals of there being a decrease in tightness in my belly and below.

Willow is wriggling around like crazy, usually this time of night she's not as active but tonight I guess will be different.

Bristol and Annie are asked to leave after awhile and Peeta tells me that people keep texting him and Bristol said the whole hall is full of people ready to meet Willow.

I am happy for all the support but it's kind of overwhelming.

I wish they would all just leave, I am not letting anyone but Peeta and I see her until in the morning anyways so they should go.

Peeta tells them this but they all stay anyways.

"You're dilated to an eight now." Dr. Coles says at about 11:30pm, hours upon hours after we've been here.

"Peeta, I just wish she would come out already." I pout.

The pain is getting unbearable and his hand is pretty bruised up already and I still have a few hours of pushing I'm sure.

"She's almost here, just a little longer. You can do it." He assures me.

I shake my head, "I can't. I'm not ready." I cry harder.

"Baby, it's going to be okay. I can ask them to give you some medicine to make some pain go away."

I nod my head and tears stream down my cheeks.

I'm an emotional wreck at the moment, no different than before or after I got pregnant but still.

I feel so tired too, like I could sleep for days.

Peeta asks that last time they came in if there was something they could give me but they said it's too late.

He snuck me some food in earlier, which I was extremely grateful for. It was just some chips but it helped fill me up a little, and I refused the ice chips.

At about midnight, they come in and I'm still at an eight.

"Peeta, why doesn't she want to come out?" I groan into his chest as the nurses and Dr. Coles exits the room.

I make Peeta sit on the bed with me and he wraps his arms around my shoulders, "Maybe, you made such a good home for Willow the last nine months that she just isn't quite ready to be evicted yet." He whispers to me, rubbing my chilled arm.

I can't help but to laugh at the statement he makes that makes me want to cry, Peeta Mellark and his words.

"This hurts so bad." I sob into his chest.

"I know it does but it's going to be over soon."

I manage to fall asleep in his arms, only to be woken up about an hour later to be told I'm only dilated to a nine, so close to a ten and that they can see some of her head.

After thirty more minutes, I'm finally at a ten.

"Katniss, on the next contraction I want you to push. Peeta, I'll let you catch the baby if you want to. You need to suit up anyways, wash your hands in that sink over there." Doctor Coles directs him.

He giddishly walks over and wash his shaky hands and Doctor Coles helps him 'suit up' with a mask, gloves, and a gown.

"Stay up there with Katniss. This is probably going to take awhile but we will let you know when to come down here." Dr. Coles says.

Peeta comes and grabs my hand and the nurses fix everything down there and get me into a really awkward, uncomfortable position.

"I love you so much." Peeta whispers to me and we share a quick peck.

"I love you." I mumble, my head falling back as pain shoots through me again.

Here we go, I guess.

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