An adventure for two

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The next day was pretty simple. Jake led them to activities and explained how everything worked. Only one problem with one activity, kayaking. Hazel stood there all alone watching other people partner up, she thought about asking Michael, a kid in her cabin but he had already had a partner, Cindy. The only person left was her counselor, Jake. "Hey Jake, wanna be my partner?" Hazel asked. "Sure!" he said brightly, like it had brought his mood up. The activity director Kevin started his instructions on kayaking until Jake blurted out "I've been here for 3 years I know what I'm doing, can me and my parter go ahead and get started?" "Sure." Kevin said. Jake takes Hazel's hand and they gaze into each other's eyes for a minute. Sparks fly. "So, first you'll want to put a life jacket on. To be safe. But you know the other person in the boat has to jump after the other person if they fall out." Jake says. Hazel stares at him for a second, then snaps back into their conversation. "Well I would hope someone would jump in after me if I fell out of the boat somehow." Hazel said grinning. Jake laughs, "I would." They both laugh. "Okay, next you are going to get strapped in to the kayak." Jake says. Hazel huffs in frustration. "I can't get it."she complains. "Here. Let me help you." Jake says. He reaches over and fastens the thing on the life jacket. "Thanks, Jake." Hazel says.

Jake explained how to paddle. About 25 minutes of gazing into each other's eyes, they start to realize that they were going in circles. "I think we're going in circles." Jake laughed. "Yeah, I'm not good at this." Hazel said. "Naw, you're fine, it's your first time. So, Hazel, when is you're birthday?" Jake asks. "July 6th. Why?" Hazel asked. "Just a question. So you're 16, right?" Jake asked. "Yep, sure am" Hazel said. "So what do you consider in a girl?" Hazel asked. "Well, it starts with the eyes. Kind, and caring. Then, I want to know more about them. I would like a girl who will be themselves around me, and who doesn't want to show out for no reason. That's the kind of girl I like" Jake answered. Then Hazel grinned, knowing she was that kind of girl.

After 15 minutes of silence, a big rough rocky, waterfall was ahead of them. A rock comes out of no where. The kayak flips sideways and Hazel falls out. She screams. "Hazel!" Jake yelled. He un-buckled as fast as he could, and jumped out to help her. They were both soaking wet trying to flip the kayak back over to get back in. Once they got back into the kayak and got going again, they saw a trail off to the side. They got off the kayak and followed the trail that led to a old shop called 'Daniel Outdoors'. They went inside to see what they could get themselves into. As they were looking around, a worker from the store led them to a dressing room for dry clothes to change into. Jake got done before Hazel did. Hazel came out of her stall and saw Jake with a bag. Hazel asked "What's in your bag?" "A surprise" Jake stated.

They got back into the kayak, headed back to the camp ground. Jake pulls out of the bag, a white braided bracelet with beads and a sea shell for Hazel. Hazel, startled, put the bracelet on and said "Thank you."

Back at the camp ground, Hazel runs into Niall as she is getting something from the vending machine, and he does not look happy.

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