Chapter 1: I favor fire

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Natsu's POV:
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold those who favor fire.
But if I had to perish twice ,
I think I know enough of hate,
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

A saying I like to repeat to myself.
For some reason my brothers also have their own saying but they'e too quiet so I can't hear what it is they are saying but I don't ask.

My family is completely broken or "crooked" in others words. I never admit it of course but deep down I know it's the truth.
This is the story of how my crooked family got better.

15 minutes until the encounter:
"Natsu get up or you'll be late!" My eldest brother Zeref called.
I lazily rolled over which lead to me falling out of bed and onto the floor with a bang.
"Coming!" I yelled back and stood up.
I opened my wardrobe and threw on some clothes (you guys picture him in whatever you like) and ran out my room and down the stairs into the kitchen to find Zeref leaning against the counter, book in hand.
"Morning Zeref," I greeted cheerily and he looked up and gave the smallest of smiles before looking down again.
"Sting up yet?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Why does he even bother going into college for like two hours?" I muttered and started to walk out the door.
"I forget to tell you that a family finally decided to move into the house next door," Zeref said quietly.
"Why do I need to know this?"
"The mother asked if you would take their son and daughter with you to school as they don't have time to drop him off."
"I guess I'm going next door then," I murmured and said my goodbyes before exiting the house.
I turned left and saw the rather large house and I walked up the steps and knocked on the door.
Eventually the door opened and I saw a girl with long black-purple hair, she wore a pair of black skinny jeans and s white hoodie which read "Tokyo Ghoul", so she was into anime huh?
I never watched it because I thought it was weird but oh well.
"Can I help you?" She asked impatiently.
"I'm Natsu, from next door, I'm supposed to be walking with somebody right?" I said and she nodded.
"I'll call him." She turned around and yelled.
Then footsteps were heard and a rather small girl with very long hair and a pink dress walked over to the girl.
"Sorry Ultear, Gray's just talking to Lyon," the girl said.
"It's fine Mavis but you know mom's gonna kill you if you guys are late I mean Rogue's late enough," Ultear said kindly and patted Mavis' head.

0 minutes:
Then a boy my age came down the stairs, he wore dark blue trousers, a white t-shirt and an orange jacket (oracion outfit right? XD I just like that outfit).
"Ready," he said and I couldn't help but stare at him, he was very handsome.
"Gray, Mavis, this is Natsu from next door and he's gonna take you to school ok?" Ultear explained.
"You sound like Ur," the boy, I was guessing was Gray said and smiled.
"I'm just telling you geez, now I've gotta get Rogue before we're late for college bye guys!" She exclaimed and shoved them out of the door.
"Well let's get going then," I said and we began walking.
"Natsu right?" Gray said.
"Thanks for walking with us."
"No problem."
It then hit me that I'd forgotten my phone and headphones.
"Crap," I murmured and explained to Mavis and Gray and lead them to my house and the moment I opened the door I was knocked over by my older brother. Sting.
"Sorry Natsu, Zeref's pissed at me so I've gotta go," he said quickly before legging it down the street.
"You ok?" Mavis asked and Gray stuck his hand out and I gladly held it and he pulled me up.
"Just fine," I said and released Gray's hand before running in and grabbing my stuff and running out and finally we set off.
Things were going ok with them so far.

Hello author here!
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Crooked but not broken.
Thx for reading this and enjoy the rest of story (when it's uploaded anyway XD)
Till next time! ^^

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