Chpt. 12

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(Outfits in pic ↑)

-Jades p.o.v.--the next day-

I sniffled as I whipped the tears away. I've been crying for the last hour because the doctor and my lawyer and just everyone wants to know every single thing about what happened to me. Why cant they just let it go? Instead of causing me this pain.

"I told you I don't remember" I said and they sighed.

"Alright sweetie" Ms. Hudson said.

"Whats going on here?" I looked up to see T looking at me worriedly.

"Nothing I'm fine, I just need to use the bathroom" I said and went into the bathroom. I closed the door and heard people leave. I stood in front of the sink and stared at the floor.

"I can do it" I whispered to myself. I looked up into the mirror to see my face flushed from crying so much. I turned on the sink and splashed my face. I sighed and waved my hands out for them to dry.

I then stood there staring at my reflection. A girl with eyes so lifeless, pale, dull hair, a girl who had nothing is a girl that is me.

A tear slipped down my cheek as I just stared at myself. I'm so worthless, I have nothing I shouldn't even be alive.

"Hey, are you okay in here? I'm worried" T said coming in the bathroom. My vision blurred as I turned to look at her.

"I can't do this anymore" I said my voice cracking and my mouth filled with saliva.

"Oh" she said coming over to me.

"Do what?" She asked gently placing her hands on my upper arms. I gulped before I spoke.

"This. Being alive. There's so much pain its become physical, I don't think I can hold on any longer" I whispered. She whipped my tears away staring me in the eyes.

"I know baby, I know you are hurting I can feel your pain. Sapphire can feel your pain too" she said softly. A sob left my mouth as the last remaining wall I built to keep everything out crumbled.

"It won't leave, the voices are screaming at me. It won't go away! I just want it to stop" I sobbed and she pulled me into a hug. I slowly fell to the floor and she came with me.

"Its okay, it's going to be okay. Everything will be alright you just have to reach deep down a pull out whatever fight you have left" she said softly. I shook my head pushing my hair behind my ear.

"I don't think I'm going to win thus battle T" I whispered focusing on my hands. I felt my claws come out and I formed a fist so she wouldn't see them.

"I'm going to be right here helping you through this" she said and I took a deep breath. I pressed my first finger nail on my wrist and pushed my claw in.

"I'm sorry T" I said and moved my nail down in a quick motion. I instantly felt blood surface and I felt a relief come over me.

"For-oh my gosh!" She gasped. Soon I felt my eye lids get heavy.

"Help! Help! I need a doctor in here!" T screamed.

"Its going to be okay" she said trying to get the bleeding to stop. She laid me down all the way gently as she tried to cut off the blood from spilling out of my arm. I looked at her with a few tears left in my eyes.

"Let me go T. I don't belong here anymore" I whispered. I could tell she was crying hard as she tried to help.

"No! This is not how your story will end! You will heal" she said quickly.

"Help! Somebody!" She screamed.

"Galaxy! Galaxy I know you're in there somewhere. You have to help her, heal her! Do you hear me? I will not lose her!" She cried.

'Don't Galaxy' I said.

'I'm sorry Jade' she said softly.

"Jade" T said but I just looked at her unable to speak or move.

"Jade please baby please" she said quickly. I just laid there awaiting for death to take me.

"Jade. Jade I love you. I can't lose you, I just got you" she said running her hand through my hair.

"Baby please" she cried. She put her hand on my neck to feel my pulse weakening with each second.

"No" her voice cracked as she started sobbing. My eyelids finally closed and I welcomed death with open arms.

'You are strong. It isn't your time'

'You can't heal me, its too late' I said.

"Jade" T's voice echoed in my head.

"I love you" echoed next.

'She is enough to stay!' Galaxy screamed. A burning feeling erupted inside me as Galaxy took control over my body.

"Ahhh!" I gasped loudly my eyes shooting open.

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