Chpt. 11

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(Outfits in pic ↑)

-Jades p.o.v.-

I slowly opened my eyes feeling a pounding in my head.

"Guys, she's awake" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Jade I'm Dr. Conners can you hear me?" He asked and I nodded.

"Can you tell me what you remember last?" He asked as my vision finally cleared up.

"Weight on top of me" I said slowly my breathing slightly ragged.

"Okay, do you know where you are now?" He asked. I blinked a few times and looked around.

"A hospital?" I asked.

"That's correct, do you know who did this to you?" He asked and I nodded.

"My-" I took a deep breath.

"My mother, she was there at the court house. She dragged me to the bathroom and smashed my head against the wall then shoved me to the sinks, things got fuzzy after that" I said.

"This might be hard to take in but you raped too" he said and I just looked at my hands on my lap. I just nodded.

"Okay" I whispered.

"Your dealing with this quit well" he said surprised. I looked up at him.

"Because I've been raped before, this wasn't the first time and I doubt it will be the last" I snapped.

"Okay, can i ask you some questions?" He asked and I nodded.

"I noticed some bruises that are a few days old and some healing, where did they come from?" He asked.

"My mother, she's been abusing me since I was five maybe even longer than that, I can't remember" I said emotionally drained. Maybe it will all end once the truth comes out.

"I also noticed scars on your wrist and upper arms, they seemed to be deep. Did your mother do this as well?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Put the two together" I said with no emotion at all.

"You did it to yourself?" He asked and I just nodded slowly.

"I think that's enough questions for right now" he said and left. My lawyer also left the room but one person stayed.

"Hey" she said sitting on my bedside.

"Hey T" I said my voice soft as I looked at her.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"I've been better" I said and she looked down.

"T what's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Hey look at me" I said and she did. Her eyes were glossy.l and I knew she was about to cry.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I still can't believe what happened to you when you were so young. I understand now, why you're so guarded, I get it and I'm so sorry-"

"Don't say sorry T its not your fault" I said whipping her tears away.

"I'm sorry, I should of told you but I never told anyone, Piper doesn't even know" I said and she softly smiled at me.

"I thought you don't apologize" she said and I smiled.

"I thought so too but then I met you. Even though its been almost a week since we met and the only time we've talked was at the juvenile detention center I never knew what happiness felt like or how it felt to smile or to feel the way I do when I'm with you" I said meaning every word. She whipped her tears away and let out a small laugh still slightly crying.

"I care Jade a lot about you and it hurts to know what you've been through, to know you hurt so much you harmed yourself. I promise I will always be here for you" she said and I slowly sat up.

"What are you doing?" She asked putting her hands up and hesitated. Once I was fully sat up I grabbed her hands and placed them on my shoulders.

"Its okay" I said and she nodded. I placed my left hand on her side and my right hand on her hip. I pulled and she helped as she moved closer to me.

"I know you won't hurt me" I whispered.

"I won't" she agreed. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. She kissed backed and we pulled away. She gently placed her forehead against mine.

"Please don't ever leave me" she whispered.

"Even if I were to ever go somewhere far" I said and looked up into her eyes.

"I will return to you"

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