Chpt. 6

137 11 0

(Same outfits in pic ↑)

"You have a visitor" the guard said after what felt like forever.

"Okay" I said standing up and walking to the door. She opened the door and cuffed me. Worst and ankles. We walked down the hall and turned to the visiting area. I walked to the table and sat down looking at her.

"T" I said.

"Jade" she said back.

"What are you doing here? Why do you keep visiting me?" I asked truly confused as to why.

"I honestly don't know. I should hate you, I should fear you"

"But?" I asked.

"But I don't and I don't know why. Maybe its because you're my mate or maybe its because you're a mystery to me" she said.

"I'm surprised you even came back after what I said to you" I said.

"Words were said I admit I was upset but we weren't in the right state of mind at the time. You were angry with me and I was hurt, I'm sorry" she said and looked at me like I was going to apologize.

"Oh, I'm not apologizing its not really my thing" I said and she sighed.

"Okay, I wouldn't expect you too" she whispered.

"Why are you back? The real reason" I said.

"You said I should learn the facts and so I did" she said and worry set in. What did she find out?

"You did?" I asked.

"Yes and I can tell you've been through a lot" she said and sat back.

"What do you mean?"

"I went by your house, the place was crawling with cops but no sign of your mother or father" she said and I clenched my fist.

"My dad left long ago, I dont even know his name" I said and her face dropped.

"That's terrible"

"That's life" I said and things became quiet.

"Look, I came here to tell you to get used to me coming because I plain on coming everyday-"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want to be here for you, I dont-" she took a deep breath and her expression became soft.

"I don't care if your in Juve or anything, I want to get to know you, I want to get to know my mate but that is if you reject me" she said and I looked down.

"I don't think i could even if I wanted too" I said fiddling with my fingers.

"So you want to reject me?" She asked and I instantly felt her pain.

'No! Correct yourself! Don't reject our mate!' Galaxy yelled at me. I sighed closing my eyes and shook my head at both of them.

"I didn't say that"

"You kind of did" she said and I groaned.

"I didn't mean it like that" I said and looked up at her.

"Then what do you mean?" She asked.

"You may not want to hear this but its the only thing I can think of to help explain it" I said and she nodded.

"Three days ago when Piper and I were fooling around it was different, I didn't want to do it-"

"She forced you?" She asked getting angry.

"No, I mean it just felt wrong, really wrong do you know why?" I asked.


"Because she isn't my mate. I never really thought about it, about mates but when I found you, you being my mate and knowing it when Piper wanted to fool around I tried to stop her but I caved, its a habit and I never wanted to hurt you" I explained shocking not only her but me as well.

"Well, its a little late for that" she said and looked down.

"I-youre right. But what I'm trying to say is-"

"Is that you accept me?" She asked looking up at me.

"Yes I do, but honestly I've never wanted to find my mate" I said.

"Why?" She asked and I leaned forward.

"Just look at where we are" I said and she looked down.

"Visiting hours are over let's go McRay" the guard said and we all stood up. I looked at what T was wearing.

"Oh hell no" I said an she looked at me confused.

"What?" She asked.

"That outfit is too exposing" I said and she looked down then back up at me blushing.

"Sorry" she said and kissed my cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she said and walked out. I sighed and went back to my cell.

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