Chpt. 17

141 5 4

(Jades outfit ↑ (black high tops instead of heels)

-Jades p.o.v.-

My expression hardened as I glared. T whimpered again and Galaxy growled in anger. T looked up meeting my eyes.


'I know' I interrupted Galaxy.

I glared at T with zero emotion showing on my face.

"Ja-" I held my hand up at her and walked away not saying a word. I took my suitcase from the guard and got me a cab. I told him to take me to the nearest hotel or motel and paid him.

He stopped in front of a motel that could use some work but was still nicer than my house. I got my stuff and went to the front desk. I got a room and turned to see that it was raining.

'Mask our scent' I told Galaxy and she reluctantly did so. With the rain outside it'll wash away our scent and with her masking it, T can't find me.

I felt utterly numb as I sat on the crappy bed of the motel. I closed my eyes listening to the rainfall outside.

Anger spread throughout my body and I stood up throwing things everywhere.

"How could you?!" I screamed and kicked the bed. I started attacking the bed; kicking and punching it out of anger.

I slammed my fists against the bed and broke down in tears. My shoulders rose and fell quickly as I started full on crying.

"This is my fault" I repeatedly whispered to myself as I slowly sat down fully on the floor leaning my back against the wall. I pulled my knees yo my chest crying myself to sleep.

-10:26 am-

I slowly opened my eyes and whipped the sleep from them. I stood up and stretched almost all the joints in my body popping from sleeping like that.

I took a shower still feeling numb. I just stood in the shower letting the warm water rush over me as I locked away my memories and sealed the pain away that was trying to be felt.

I got out of the shower getting dressed and laid down. I plugged my phone in and powered it up. The first thing I did was turn off my locator. Then a bunch of messages, missed calls and voice mails popped up from T.

I deleted every single one without looking or listening to them. I went to my contacts going to her name. I clicked on the three dots in the corner of the phone. I hovered my thumb over the delete button and sighed. I locked my phone and tossed it onto the other bed.

I turned over on my side with question after question running through my head.

How could she do that? What happened to me and her? Will the pain ever go away?

How could I be so stupid?

.......The End.......


I bet you all hate me now, if not coo

Should I make a sequel?? Or should I just keep you all guessing??

Let me know in the comments!

Stay beautiful/handsome!


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