Chapter 3

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You stepped into a small puddle of rain and took in a deep breath of your new home, Ireland.

The cold breeze blew against your back and your (h/c) flew in front of your face.

Of course, it was raining. The cloudy sky was absolutely a perfect way to start off your new residence in a foreign country.

You got into a taxi and rode down to your new a apartment building.

Once you arrived, you looked at your apartment building. It looked better in real life. You stared at it for a few seconds then got your luggage and went in.

When you reached the 5th floor, the doors opened, and you got a face full of chest as you walked out.
You crashed to the floor of the hallway.

You were a bit dazed, then you heard a familiar voice. A loud, familiar voice.

No. Never in a million eternities.

You looked up to what seemed like a dream.

It was Jack.

You stared into his ocean blue eyes for what seemed like forever, not realizing he was holding out his hand to pull you up.

Quickly snapping out of your daydream, you grabbed his hand and he pulled you up with a swift motion.

You grabbed your luggage and stood there for a few seconds.

"Well, you didn't answer my question," he said smiling. You laughed a little. "Sorry, I was Didn't hear you..."

In your mind, you wanted to face palm so hard.
He was louder in real life, how could you not hear him?!

You would sound totally weird if you said what really happened.

He then started laughing. "Well you must be part deaf if you can't hear this loud voice!"

He then noticed your bags.
"You movin' in?" He said.

You smiled and scratched your head awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, 511."

His face lit up. It was so beautiful.

"Cool! I live in the one across, 512."

He then started to laugh again. "This was a great way to meet my new neighbor!" He then held out his hand again.

"I'm Sean, but you can call me Jack."

"I know," you say, quickly regretting it. That probably sounded so creepy. You thought.

"I mean, yeah... I watch you on YouTube...but I'm not a crazy fangirl."

Haha, yeah that's so true.

He laughed again. "Man, you make me laugh so much! I'm going to need you more often."

You smiled. Then you shook his hand. "I'm (Y/N)."

"Hey, Mark told me about you! He talks about you alot!"

You blushed. You two were best friends, after all.

"Well anyways, I have to run, but it was nice meeting you, (Y/N). Wanna hang out sometime?"

Your inner fangirl was practically dying. But on the outside, you acted totally cool. "I'd love to, Jack!" You said with a bright smile.

"Great! See you later."

He stepped into the elevator and pushed the button. He looked at you with a bright smile as the doors closed.

Trying to process what just happened, you stood there like a complete idiot for what seemed like forever.

Then you finally regained your senses and grabbed your luggage.

As you walked down the long hallway, you thought of Jack being your neighbor for the rest of the time you were staying here. You were thrilled to have one of your favorite Youtubers be your next door neighbor.

You finally reached door 511. Then you turned around to Jacks apartment.

You stood there staring for a second.

Growing curiouser by the second, you slowly walked to his door.

Assuming he wouldn't be back for a while, you slowly turned the knob on his door.

It was open!

You slid inside looked all around. (I'm not going into detail cuz who knows what his house looks like XD)

You were looking at his computer screen, which was showing a new video of his uploading.

Suddenly a voice rang out from the other room.

"Goddammit, someone broke in?!"

Thinking fast, you slid under the frame of his bed and covered your mouth.

You tried to ignore the items that were surrounding you on the floor.

You then saw his black shoes entering the room.

You saw him slowly walk towards his closet, ready to hit with a bat in his hand.
After a few minutes of hiding, he put down the bat and walked to his computer.

You heard a small beep and then he left the apartment, closing the door and locking it this time.

You dashed from under the bed and ran towards the door. You then realized that a camera next to Jack's computer had a red light glowing from the corner of it. You looked at the small screen next to it and realized:

It was recording.

Whew! That took a while!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll probably update it tomorrow. But for now,
I will see all you dudes....
(Throws arms up in air)


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