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Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the plot.

Fang POV

I had been thinking about Max all day. I wonder if she really likes this guy. The thought of Max with Sam made my heart drop. I couldn't even imagine it. How do you know Sam, Fang? Well, I'll tell you loyal reader. When I was starting college I worked at a local movie store. Sam was my co-worker. He was a total jerk. He would use girls and as soon as he got what he wanted he would dump them. My fist clenched at the thought of him doing that to Max. Not that I liked Max like that….did I?

One day after work he dumped a girl and I confronted him about it. He said I was being too sensitive and that it didn't matter. I had told him to stop being a player and actually try to find someone who he liked. He beat me up that night and told me if I ever told someone about it he would kill me. I hadn't thought about it until Max said she'd had a date with him and I was extremely worried.

I couldn't stand it any longer so I texted Max. She told me it wasn't meant to be and my heart lifted. I was sitting on my couch. I had just gotten home from work no more than an hour ago. I worked as a mechanic at a local repair shop. It had decent pay and wasn't far so I figured it was a win/win. I told her I had to go and put my phone away.

After a nice, long, shower I pulled on some sweats and a T-shirt and flipped through the channels. I heard a faint knock on my door and got up to get it. Lissa, stood in front of me wearing a skirt that could have passed for a place mat and a tight shirt that showed her belly button.

"Fang, I want you back." She said looking up at me. She was shorter than Max and definitely not as pretty. In that instant I realized something.

"I'm sorry, Lissa, but no." I shut the door in her face and went to go get my phone.


I had just gotten out of the shower, when I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and saw it was a text from Fang.

(Max, Fang)

Lissa just came to my apartment and asked for me 2 take her back.

Did u?

For some reason the thought of Fang and Lissa getting back together made my heart sink,

No, cause I'm into this other girl.

My heart sank a little more. What is wrong with me? I thought.

Oh, who?

It took awhile for him to text back but when he did my jaw dropped.



I like u. Maximum Martinez; will you go out with me?

I didn't respond for the longest time. I just sat there staring at my phone. Ella walked in.

"Max, are you- what's wrong?" she said once she saw my face. I shook my head but didn't look up from my phone. She walked over and took the phone from my hand.

"OMG!" She said jumping up and down. "Say yes! Say yes!" She told me and shoved the phone back in my hand.

Yes. I sent back and I felt…..happy.

Fang POV

She said yes. She said yes. was all that I thought about for the rest of the night. I sat in bed and smiled to myself. Max was the most beautiful, thoughtful, smart, sarcastic, and witty, girl I'd ever met, and she'd agreed to go out with me.


Ella told Nudge and Angel what happened when we walked back into the living room. They were all squealing happily and bombarding me with questions. I just sat there and smiled to myself. Fang was the most handsome, smart, funny, and silent guy I'd ever met and I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

"Wakey! Wakey, Mrs. Ride!" I heard Iggy's voice call from the living room. I shot out of bed and tackled him onto the ground of the hallway.

"Don't call me that." I said but I was smiling.

"Whatever you say," Iggy said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and got off of him.

"I think this occasion deserves your favorite." He said and I jumped up and down like a little girl.

"Chocolate chip pancakes!" I squealed and ran to the kitchen. I got everything out and sat on the counter. I watched as Iggy made the pancakes. The smell wafted to my nose and I sighed in contentment, trying to keep myself from snatching it of the griddle.

After we finished off the pancakes we turned on the TV. I switched it to Spongebob, as usual, and sat with a smile on my face. Iggy looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" I snapped after a few moments.

"You've never looked so happy in your life. If Fang breaks your heart I'm gonna kill him." I thought Fang would pummel Iggy in a fight but nodded my head anyway.

We continued to watch Spongebob, when Lissa burst through the door. You will never guess who was with her.

A/N Mwahahahaha! Cliffy! Guess who was with her! Just guess. Fang is with Max! Yay!

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