Chapter 24

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My driver pulled up into the parking lot to Coopers. I was so scared to even move.

"Mrs. Coler? Is this the stop you asked for?" Telling me to get out in the nicest way possible.

"Uhh..yes. Yeah, Thank you. I shouldn't be longer then an hour." I grabbed my purse and opens the door.

My eyes scanned the room for T. Look for a blond that most likely looks like a math addict by now..I couldn't find her so I walked up to the host table and asked if they had any reservations under my name, or hers. She told me to follow her to my table, and what do you know. Taylor was already waiting there. Surprisingly not as methy looking as I thought. I waited for the waiter to leave before I said anything.

"Looks like the meth haven't worked its way to changing your face too much." I told her with a straight face.

"Oh Ellie. You were always such a jokester. I miss that." She chuckled.

"Let's get this over with. Why do you want me here. Hell why did you fly to New York just to have a 'talk' with me."

"Ellie." She leaned in closer. "They're starting to get more onto us.."

"More onto you..I'm telling you I have no idea why you keep dragging me into this." I tried to not raise my voice.

"You watched me do it. And you just stood there. Your a witness who did nothing but stare in fear." She was trying so hard to get under my skin.

"What was i supposed to do?! You threatened me if I ran.  Or if i told.." I told her.

"And the same still applies. If you say one thing Ill rat you out. But like i was saying, there onto us. They're starting to question the school now that every things back in session. Going around to all the seniors from our graduating year houses. And if you-" I cut her off.

"I'M NOT EVEN HOME." I yelled out and everyone turned there heads.

"Shut the fuck up! You wanna get caught? Yeah I understand that..I just wanna let you know if they even come close to getting on my ass about this then ill rat you out before I rat out myself, you get it?"

"I'm not taking the blame for this. The Cops are smarter then that. I'm not afraid of you anymore Taylor. I told you. The reason why i left was so you would be safer, I wont do anything as long as you stay out of contact with me. The last thing i need is you messing up my life here too." I told her getting up from my chair to leave.

"Ill keep you updated!" She called after me.

"Ill block your number." I called back right before i left the resturaunt.

As soon as i hit the send button my phone buzzed again. Gossip Girl blast..Oh god.

"Hey upper east siders. I've got some good news and some bad news - Chuck Bass Proposed and wow, soon to have a partner in out New York. We all know how good these two work together, and yes, I can be nice sometimes. But of course I can never just be nice, we've got another partners in crime in out girls..things only get messier Up here (; xoxo GG.

I called a cab down and as soon as I got to Nates I knew he would yell at me for not listening to him by seeing Taylor without him. I ran upstairs and rushed through the doors and found Nate in his room. I ran into his arms to hug him, i was terrifyied. I started to sob. He hugged me back, and gave ame the tightest hug.

"You didn't listen too me.." He told me still not letting go.

"I know. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I always keep my promises but this time I couldn't Nate..She has full control over me and if i don't listen too her I could get in so much trouble."

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