Chapter 10

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I ran out of the venue doors and out to the hotel. My vision was extremely foggy from the amount of tears falling from my eyes. I ran out to the street and tried to wave a taxi down, I wanted to get out of there so bad.

"Ellie!! Waite! Ellie please let me talk to you." Nate came running up to me from behind.

I just stared at him with the tears falling from my face and probably with all my makeup running down my cheek.

"I thought that was you. She grabbed me and before I had time to even think she kissed me." I just looked at him, as he wiped the tears off my face.

"Please, Ellie..just say something." He said grabbing my hands.

"I'm going home." I said letting go of his hands.

"Ill get my car, we'll go right now." He said getting his phone out to call the driver.

I waved down a taxi and I could feel him staring at me.

"Alone." I told him turing around seeing the tears swell up in his eyes.

I opened the door to the taxi and told him my address. We drove off and I saw Nate just standing there as I left, watching me leave. I leaned back in my seat and my eyes were starting to water. I can't believe he'd hurt me like that. He actually thought that I was someone else, that's bullshit. I know it's Nate when I kiss him because of his lips, I just know them. The way they feel against mine, the way they taste. I feel like I just got stabbed in the chest.

The driver pulled up to my apartment complex and I handed him the money. When I got out my phone buzzed and I suspected it was Nate. I walked inside, got into the elevator and took my phone out of my purse.

"Uh-oh. Looks like it's raining down in the city. Or is it just tears making Ellie Colers makeup run?" Right under the blast was a picture of me getting out of the taxi with my makeup all screwed up.

"That's awesome." I said turning my phone screen off and wiping my cheeks trying to clean myself up.

My phone rang. And rang. And rang. Nate called me..27 times. I didn't wanna talk to him. I knew the only thing I'd be able to choke out would be tears and I didn't want him to hear me like that. I just kept remembering his face when I told him I'm going home alone. I keep replying him telling me 'I thought it was you'. What if he ACTUALLY thought it was me. How. How could he have mistaken me for someone else. I looked over at my phone, 30 missed calls and 15 voice mails.. **knock, knock.** I slowly set my phone down and walked over to the door.

"" I said to the girl standing outside my door.

"Hi.." She spit out as she let out a breath.

"Can I help you?" I asked her confused.

"Are you okay?"

"..excuse me?"

"I know what happened tonight. Everything." She blurted at me.

"Well yeah, it's all over gossip girl." I told her trying to close the door.

"Wait!" She stopped the door and handed me a bag.

"What's this?"

"It's the same exact dress, shoes, perfume, and jewelry that you wore tonight.." I looked in the bag.

"What the hell.." I took a breath. "What's going on?"

She just looked at me, holding her breath.

"Tell me what's going on or get out from my doorway." I wasn't in the mood to play stupid games.

"Okay..well first of-" I cut her off.

"First of all..what's your name, who are you?"

"Jenny, my names Jenny Humphrey..Dan Humphreys little sister?" I just stared at her wondering why she'd think I would know who that is.

"Well, Jenny..why do u have a bag with all the same shit as me?" I was getting frustrated.

"I followed you home because I wanted to apologize..for tonight. You see One of Nates ex's thought that it be a good idea to sabotage you and Nates relationship an-" I cut her off again.

"Who. Who's Nates ex? Blair?! Did Blair put you up to this?!"

"No! No,no! Vanessa hates Blair and Serina.."

"Vanessa?" I guessed it was one of Nates ex's. Damn, Nate gets around.

"Yeah, Nate broke up with her a couple weeks before you came into town. So she herd you were going to the party and thought it be a good idea if we'd mess everything up. Then you'd blame it on Blair and she'd loose some friends here and there..then I saw what gossip girl said about you and I felt like compleat crap for everything that happe-"

"Who kissed him?" I said bluntly.

"She did. But she had me plan it all out. Get all the cloths, figure out your perfume and all that..that's why I wanted to come say sorry. On my part." She told me looking down at the floor.

"How did you figure all this out? I mean I don't even know you.."

"Well gossip girl for one can help a lot. She posted a pic of you guys before the party and we went out to grab the cloths.."

"And the perfume?"

"Followed Nate to the store..btw Nates getting you a necklace for your birthday." We both giggled.

"Well, mrs. Jenny..I have one more question. Why are you ratting out this 'Vanessa?' " I asked her in a curious voice.

"She told me that I need to take full blame for this one, because she can't risk losing respect from Nate or my brother. She said that I need to play 'little high school girl who has the pathetic crush on someone who'll she'll never be good for.' So I came straight to you. I knew everything we just did was so wrong, I wanted to fix things for myself."

"Well I'm glad you did. I appreciate the apology." I smiled at her.

"Have a good night Ellie, I hope things aren't too screwed up for you and Nate."

"Yeah, well thank you, have a good night." She gave me a hug and then walked down the hall to the elevator.

I closed my door and walked back inside. I looked at my phone, 147 missed calls..78 voice mails. Holy crap Nate. I unlocked my phone and just as I was about to call Nate my phone started to ring. It was a number I didn't know.

"Hello?" I said to the other end.

"Ellie?! It's Chuck, Nates in the hospital, he passed out from drinking too much." I could tell he was worried from the tone in his voice.


Hey guys, this chapter was pretty long, hope you liked it (: So Jenny's now in the picture?? What about Vanessa, do you think Ellie wants to get revenge? What about Nate? Do you think he's gonna be okay? Tell me what you guys thinks gonna happen next!! Love you all💖💖

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