Late night convos

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"Baby, I need to pee"
"Ugh, then go pee"
"It's too dark"
"use your phone as as flash light"
"oh right" *goes to bathroom* *flush!* *washes hands and goes in the room*
"Better now"
"Babe, I can't go to sleep"
"That's it, babe I love you but I'm sleeping on the couch, good night"
*goes sleep on the couch*
"Yes!" *watches oitnb on Netflix*

*kisses your neck*
"Babe wake up"
"I had a dream that we went to Hawaii and got married but two aliens came and took your evil dad"
"Cameron, don't talk about my dad like that!"
"Babe I'm just playing"
" I can't sleep anymore"
"Me neither"
"Are thinking what I'm thinking"
(Both together)
*both run downstairs and eat the ice cream*

Nash: (6 months pregnant)
"Nash! The baby is kicking"
"Let me feel"
*puts hand on your baby bump*
"Babe, I think I might cry"
*baby stops kicking*
"Do you think we are going to be good parents?"
"I think we're going to be great parents"
*kisses you*

Couldn't find anything interesting for the rest sorry, new book out soon maybe, just be on the look out

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