Edward watched her hold Lizzie’s hand and walk over; her father just behind them. Her green dress wasn’t the height of fashion, or even new; but it suited her nicely and fit well snipping in at her waist emphasising her curves. 

“Miss Houghton, I daresay Lizzie was waiting for you to appear.” He smiled standing and bowing over her hand as he would any lady. “I’m assuming Doctor Houghton.”

“You are correct, Sir Cartwright I’m assuming?” he asked briskly, Edward smiled and stepped to one side offering Miss Houghton his space on the bench beside Lizzie and Anna’s pram as Dr Houghton turned to Lizzie. “You the one who had chicken pox?”

“No, that’s my younger sister; she’s just gone to get an ice with our brother-in-law who passed us.” She smiled, “No doubt she’ll be right back in a second with Craig eager to leave again.”

“She’s far too much energy.” Edward grinned as Dr Houghton nodded.

“A good thing you’re so young then Sir, able to keep up with her.”

“Could have done with a few more years.” Edward smirked, making Miss Houghton snort her amusement. “She’s a whirlwind.”

“She’s over there Father, the little girl being carried.”

“She must have tried to run to the duck’s.” Lizzie laughed clapping, “Craig and Maria are having their first child in a few months; it’s a good experience for him.”

“I’m hiring a nanny.” Craig laughed as he deposited Sally in Edward’s arms. “Dr Houghton, I was not aware you were acquainted with my brother-in-law.”

“We’ve just met; the girls are friends with my daughter. You remember Gwendolyn?” he smiled, being much more amiable to the married man.

“How could I forget, saved my hand.” He laughed kissing her hand. “My wife would love to meet you; she’s always calling me Frankenstein’s monster.”

“Eddy, we’re having a dinner party for Miss Houghton so Maria can meet her.” Sally ordered, pulling his face around to look at her.

“You’re forgetting something.”

“Please.” She said before grinning, showing her brother all of her teeth with her eyes clamped shut.

“Well, is that agreeable Dr Houghton?” Edward asked, glancing over at the older gentleman.

“And Mr Green, I’ve done more pictures.” Sally stated quickly, as Miss Houghton laughed.

“Please Papa; we’ve not been to a dinner party in years.” She added looking up at her father who was frowning back at her.

“I’ve got a duty to be available to all.”

“We’ll hire a runner for the night to make sure, and there are plenty of other doctors in the area Father.” She stated and his frown darkened before he nodded slightly. “Then Miss Sally, if your brother lets you, we’d be delighted.”

Edward couldn’t stop the grin as he looked at Miss Houghton; luckily Sally jumped down from his arms onto the bench and demanded her attention.

“I’ve got to be off, Maria sent me out for an ice a while ago.” Craig stated holding up the small container. “She’ll murder me if I’m much longer; we’ll come over for tea this afternoon.”

“See you then Craig.” Edward smiled, gripping his arm before he disappeared out of the park.

“Eddy, Anna’s pooped.” Sally stated poking the baby in the pram before turning to Miss Houghton to explain. “Again… she’s not very good at waiting.”

“I dare say she’ll get better.”

“Gwen, we should be off; we can’t leave Green in charge for too long.” He stated and Miss Houghton rolled her eyes.

“It’s been good to see you again, Sally send me a letter when you’ve finalised all the details. Lizzie, I’ll see you soon. Sir Cartwright.” She smiled dropped a quick curtsey before leaving with her father.

“Come on girls, let’s go and give Anna back to the wet nurse.” Edward groaned as his sisters stood, Lizzie grinning as she linked her arm through his.

“You know Eddy, I think you like Miss Houghton.” She whispered, he turned and simply raised an eyebrow. “You were beaming at her, like Carla does when she gets a new pair of shoes.”

“Don’t be silly Lizzie; she’s just a nice person.” He stated, “You can help Sally prepare everything if you like.”

“Can I be in charge?” she asked, eyes lighting up.

“With Carla, but yes, and you can invite anyone you want.”

“Thank you Eddy!” she grinned kissing his cheek before taking Sally’s hand and skipping just before the pram all the way home.

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