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One week later, Leo had a break from his new movie. He was taking me out to dinner and I could hardly breathe I was so nervous. I didn't exactly have anything to wear, but I found a purple shift dress from who knows how long ago. I put a brown bomber jacket on over it and put on my converse. Not very classy, but it was all I had. My hair was in curls, tied back into a bun. A few loose strands hung down but I couldn't be bothered to pin them back. Applying a small amount of dark red (almost brown) lipstick, I walked downstairs to find Leo.

"You look... Different." He smiled awkwardly, staring at me. I thanked him, but I wasn't sure why he had paused before completing the sentence. Probably because he was wearing a shirt and jeans, and I looked awful.

We walked to the restaurant because it wasn't far away. I had $20 in my pocket that I'd earned from my new job being a waitress. Leo had helped me get it, which I was grateful for.

"So you think you'll ever go back to Brooklyn?" He asked as we waited for our food.

"Probably not. It's pretty trashy, you know?" I shrugged. "I've been wonderin', what the hell were you doing in Brooklyn?"

He laughed. "When I was younger we went on a tour around the USA. We visited that park, and I don't know, something just clicked. I liked it. I was just done with California and it's stupid hotshots." I wasn't even aware he had finished, I was just staring into his eyes, mesmerised by the endless blues and greens. I'd never been like this before. I was the girl who didn't care about relationships, didn't care about appearance, didn't care about anything really.

"Becky?" He waved a hand in front of my face and I snapped back to reality.

"Huh? Sorry, sorry." He smiled and laughed. "It's just, you're different. In a good way of course."

"Oh yeah?" He raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes. I hate cheesy stuff, but when you're living it, it's different. It makes you smile whenever you think back on it, gives you this weird wave of warmness that takes over your entire body, going slowly down from your head to your toes.

"Different. It's like the whole world is spinning but I can focus on you, you're crystal clear. And when I look into your eyes, it's like this crazy, messed up world just stops for a minute and lets me just take a moment...." He was staring at me, not moving, just staring. "I'm talking shit, right?"

Leo looked reached into his pocket and placed money on the table before grabbing my hand and running out of the restaurant. I squealed as he turned a sharp corner and stopped in front of a building. He grinned at me before pulling me closer, holding my waist and staring into my eyes. Our bodies were pressed against each other as he leaned in for a kiss. Without thinking, I kissed back, and before I knew it, we were full on making out. My eyes were closed, but I still saw the flash. As I opened my eyes and pulled away, I saw a hooded figure holding a camera and taking more photos. Leo grabbed my hand, sighing, and took me back to his apartment.

"Paparazzi... I'm still not used to it." He laughed a little and opened the fridge, getting us both a drink. At the time, Leo was only just gaining publicity after starring in a film called 'This Boy's Life.'

"So, Becky... What's next?" He asked as he passed me the drink.

"Well... I'm gonna get myself stable... Probably move up here. Then hopefully get settled down. Start a family, I guess." I shrugged. Leo leaned over and kissed me softly.

"I really like you," He whispered. I moved over and cuddled up to him and we both fell asleep together, in each other's arms. I woke up early in the morning, and saw Leo was still there, fast asleep. He looked cute when he was sleeping. I smiled and slowly got up, grabbing a piece of paper and writing a quick note to explain I was going for a walk.

I hadn't really been out much since I'd gotten to California, so I decided to explore a little bit more. However, I changed my mind when I saw a newsstand selling copies of a magazine with Leo and I on the cover. I picked it up and paid for it, reading it as I walked.

'Leo's New Lover? Is she in it for the money? Who is the mystery girl?'

I dropped the magazine and walked away, deciding to go for a coffee.

"Hey!" A girl shouted. I turned around and saw a group of girls staring at me. "Are you the girl from the magazine?"

She seemed sweet as she smiled innocently at me, so I nodded a little.

"Um... Yeah." I then turned back around and walked away, but I felt like they were still following me. They were. As I turned into a quieter street, one of them tripped me up. I fell to the floor and in a moment of weakness and surprise, they all began to attack me. Kicking, punching, yelling at me. Telling me to stay away from him, telling me he'd ditch me once he knew I only wanted his money. Then they left me, beaten and bloody, in an unknown city.

'till death do us partTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang