"Oh yeah like who?"

"I will tell you my biggest one. Baekhuyn and taeyeon " I whisper.

He looked surprised at me.

I nodded.
"Was not that very easy but it worked out anyways" I smiled.

"So take some time for it okay? But not too long .__."

"Yes yes.. " he sighed.

I hope he finds the girl who he sees his future with.

Or else I will be... I dont know.. in trouble with that girl and kai's parents kinda..

"Well let's start. What about selena?" I point at the girl with black long wavy hair and a nice smile.

Besides she could knock some senses in him

Kai looks at her.
"Nah.. not really my style"

I sighed.
"How about Yuki?" I point at the girl with blond hair.

She is really outgoing. Pretty.
Really how kai likes I think. But at last she is smart and wise unlike the person who sits next to me

"Hmm... mabye"

"Why not get to know her better?"

"Uh sure"

" Good! I will handle it! " I stood up and talked to her.

"Hi yuki"

"Oh hi"

"You know... do you have some interest in kai?" I asked.

"What?! No..." She blushed.

Oh wow she can make such look

"Such a shame. I thought I could hook you two up for a date" I whisper in her ear.

I started to walk away.

I knew.
I turned around.

"I'm in.. "

"Good then tomorrow at 4 pm by the gates"

She nodded.

I walked back to kai.

"You have tomorrow a date on 4 pm. She will be waiting by the gates" I smiled and walked away.

"Wait! What about our lesson ?!"

"I give up on tomorrow's lesson. So have fun "I said.

Then what am I gonna do tomorrow.

Suddenly I bump intro something!

"I got you!"

I looked up.
It was chanyeol.

He panted.
"Seriously I was shocked this time. We really need to do something about this"

"Ah thank you chanyeol. Sorry.. I was lost in my thoughts again"

He sighed.
"It's fine but next time be more careful okay?"

I nodded.
And he lets me go.

"Anyways wanna go to a meeting?"he asked.


"Owh~ come on luna~ you must have a eye on a guy or not then you will find it there"

"A meeting?"

"Wait.. You don't know what it is ?"

"No... I never been to one"

"Well it's a meeting of boys and girls meeting each other. You can say it's a date. Just to know each other better."

Behind the mask (EXO KAI VS HISTORY KYUNGIL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora