My Fair Lady (pt.6)

Start from the beginning

"Stop right there, Thomas Fischbach!" Yami cried, startling the crowd. Thomas froze and came back into view.

"What is it? Who calls to me in such a manner?"

Y/N could see a wicked smile cross Yami's face. "I was merely wondering why the coronation is being postponed," he said, his words dripping with false innocence.

Thomas, still searching for the speaker, set his mouth into a grim line. "I'm afraid that not everything is in order quite yet," he replied firmly.

"Is it, perhaps, that someone is missing from the lineup?" Yami's words reverberated among the people. They chattered quietly. "Is it, perhaps, that you cannot find your brother?"

"What's he doing?" Y/N whispered to Dan. "He's surrounded!"

Danny's face was grim. "He's stirring them up. Messing with them. Watch."

Thomas, noticing his people's discomfort, looked distressed, but hid it well. "Please, please! No one need panic. My brother is off running an errand. He will return shortly."

"Is that so?" Yami challenged. He raised the box into the air. "Well, then how could it be that I have him right here?" The crowd began to panic, as well as Thomas, but when they saw the item in Yami's hand, they stopped.

Thomas squinted. " that a wooden box? A tiny wooden box? Are you mad?"

"Unfortunately, I am," Yami admitted. "But I am not to blame for that. Your father is." He tore back his hood. Thomas' face paled. "So you do recognize me? As well you should."

"Your magic is weak," Thomas growled down to him. "You have no power here! Go, be gone and never return! If you refuse, I will not hesitate to use force."

Yami laughed, deep and guttural. "Oh, you royals. You're all the same. Sweet-talking little sprites who've no idea where there loyalty really lies." He brandished Tiny Box Tim/Mark in the air like some trophy. "You see now, don't you? I have the upper hand at last!"

Thomas realized that he was at a disadvantage, being so far above the sorcerer. He called down to the guards standing idly by the castle's main doors. "Seize him!"

But Yami knew that he was ahead of the game. As the sea of people parted, Yami swept the guards away with the flick of his wrist. "Pity," he said as they clattered into a pile. He sounded disappointed and bored. "I was really hoping that you'd do something a bit more dramatic, Thomas."

Y/N could see Thomas' composure slipping. His cheeks were pink with rage and he shook slightly. "Will you not face me like a man?" he roared. "Must you stay down there where I cannot reach you?"

Yami considered for a moment. "Are you asking for a duel, my lord?"

"Yes, I am."

"I see. A fight to the death for your brother's life, is that what you want?"

Thomas' face hardened. "If that is the only way," he said. "Then so be it." He turned sharply and marched back inside. The older men looked pale and terrified, staring blankly out at the silent crowd before they followed the Crown Prince.

"Take the girl along, Daniel." Yami purred. "She could be of use."

"Gee, thanks," Y/N sighed as Danny pulled her along. The crowd parted as Yami made his way forward. Y/N tried to offer calm smiles to as many people as possible, but the looks of terror didn't fade. As the doors shut behind them, Y/N looked back, trying to glimpse the people of Youtopia one last time.

Thomas stood firmly at the far end of the main hall. His expression was grave. A long sword glittered in his hand. "Shall we fight like men?" he said, boldly. "Or will you hide behind your magic?"

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