/17/ "do you have vodka?"

Start from the beginning


*spongebob reader voice*
a few weeks latuuurrr

"But I hate jogging." I complained to Grace, who was forcing me to go jogging with her and her stupid boyfriend. "You'll like it, I promise." she smiled, tying up the shoe laces of her running shoes. "But I don't like sports in general, also, I don't have any running shoes." "I don't care just run in your converse or something. Now hurry up, Oliver is waiting."

I couldn't get out of that anymore, could I? So I went jogging with my best friend and the person that hated my guts.

"Run faster you fat dog." Oliver complained after only 5 minutes of running. "Shut up, I said I didn't like sports." I said annoyed, continuing to jog behind Grace and Oliver. "You should do more sports though or you'll get even fatter than you already are haha." Oliver said again, Grace not even saying a word.

"Okay that's it. Grace do you even hear what your fucker of a boyfriend says to me?" I said, slightly hurt and stopped so they stopped too. "Oh shut up. Go back to your blond fuckboy and leave Grace and me alone. Oh wait, not even he likes you. You think you're the best but you're not even a good singer, why are you even in the band?" Oliver said before Grace could answer.

Now I was just looking at Grace and I could feel tears running down my cheeks. "Thanks for sticking up for me. I thought we were best friends." I said angrily and turned around, jogging in the opposite direction, expecting Grace to follow me. But she didn't.

I just kept running, not even noticing where I was running. Till I bumped into someone.



"Shit I'm sorry." the girl I bumped into while jogging apologised. "Sam?" I asked surprised as I looked at her. "What's wrong? Why are you cying?" I added. "Oh stop pretending like you give a shit when you clearly don't." she said and sounded really hurt as the tears kept running down her cheeks.

"Look, I know it was wrong of me to kiss you and make you feel like I had feelings for you. I'm sorry. Our manager thought it would be good publicity for the band and made me do it." "He made you kiss me?" "No he made me get together with Rena as fast as possible. I would've waited until I'd worked things out with you but he wouldn't let me." She just blankly stared at me, new tears building up in her eyes.

"I really care about you, maybe it doesn't look like it but I swear I do. We're friends after all, remember?", she nodded slightly. "Come on, let's go to my house and you can tell me what happened." "Okay."



"Do you want something to drink?" Luke asked as I sat down on his couch. "Do you have vodka?" I said in all seriousness. "I won't give you any alcohol. Is coke alright?" he giggled shyly and I nodded. A minute later he walked back out of his kitchen with two glass bottles of coke in his hands.

He sat down next to me and handed me one bottle, to which I responded with a simple "Thanks." "You're welcome. So tell me, why are you like this?" he asked, taking a sip of his coke. "Grace's boyfriend. I told you that he hated me, right?" I said, trying really hard to not cry again.
He nodded.

"Well Grace forced me to go running with him and her today and he bullied me again. But the worst thing was that Grace was with us this whole time and she didn't even say one single word about it." I explained and looked down to the bottle in my hands.

"What did he say then?" Luke said, surprisingly caring, and put an arm around my shoulder to comfort me. "He said that I was fat and asked why I was in the band when I couldn't even sing." "You know that's not true though, right?" he asked shocked and I just shrugged. "Sam! Don't you dare believe that asshole. You're beautiful inside and out and your voice is like the voice of an angel, it's so passionate and people love it."

"Thanks." I said quietly, still not looking at him. I seriously didn't know what to believe anymore. "Look at me." he said and I did as I was told and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "You're an amazing girl, Grace doesn't even realise what she's doing to you. She'll come back to you as soon she realises that she needs you." he said in a calming voice.

"Thank you Luke." "No need to thank me." he smiled which was infectious so I smiled too, weaker than he did though.

"When did you guys get back from touring?" I asked, changing the subject. "Yesterday morning." "Oh." "Why?" "Just asking." I lied, not wanting to tell him that I was kinda disappointed that Michael didn't say anything since we were pretty close friends now. "I should go home now." I said, standing up from the couch. "Should I drive you home?" Luke asked. "No thanks, I think fresh air would do me good." I smiled at him.

"Thanks for being here for me. Oh and by the way, I think Rena seems really nice so take care of her." I said before swinging my arms around his torso to hug him. "Thank you, I will." he said and hugged me back. And then I left.


Question of the chapter:
how did you find out about this fanfic?

have a nice day/night whatever

love you - tori at the disco (actually at home but I love p!atd so this sounded better)

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