Chapter 10 - Explain

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Elena: Who are you?

Elena had removed herself from Stefan's arms.  She shook in fear.

Stefan: Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. It's okay, you can trust me.

Elena: I'll trust you if you stay away from me.

Stefan: I can't do that.

Elena: And why not?

Elena was getting frustrated and mad.

Stefan: Because I love you.

Those words surprised Elena, she has heard those words once, almost recognizing it, but not putting much thought into how she remembered.

Elena: You don't even know me, I don't know you.

Stefan went near her, speaking to her.

Stefan: That's where you're wrong.

Stefan took a step to her.

Stefan: I know you love to eat chicken Parmesan, it's your favorite.

Stefan took another step towards her. Elena backed away just a little bit.

Stefan: I know you love it when I hold you like this.

Stefan, almost seductively, put his hands on Elena's waist, looking deep into her eyes, Elena allowed him to do so, but still a little scared.

Stefan: And how you do this.

Stefan grabbed Elena's hands and gently placed them on Stefan's cheeks, while still looking into her eyes. She looked back. Stefan felt so happy inside as if she remembered.

Stefan: My lovely, sweet Elena.

Elena then stopped looking into his eyes and backed away.

Elena: Elena?

Stefan tried to come closer but she still moved back.

Elena: You have the wrong person. I am Katherine.

Stefan laughed at that thought.

Elena: And what is so funny?

She was a bit annoyed. Stefan stepped up to look down on her.

Stefan: You are nothing like Katherine.

He put his hands on Elena's face. Elena didn't back away, she let his hands stay where they were on her face. Those hands felt so familiar.

As Elena stood there, she tried to put together the thoughts of how she never knew anything about herself, how she felt so empty.

Stefan looked at her wondering what she was thinking without getting in her head. Elena then looked deep into his eyes.

Elena: Then who am I?

Stefan took Elena's hand and walked her out of the room.

Stefan: Let me show you.

He looked into her eyes so happy that she was almost remembering.

Right when Stefan opened the door to get out, Elena pulled Stefan's hand back. Elena nodded no.

Stefan: Whats wrong?

Elena. I can't go outside.

Stefan looked at her confused. She noticed his reaction and hid behind the couch. Stefan slowly walked up to her and knelt down.

Stefan: I promise you, it's not a scary place.

Elena looked into his eyes, she was so scared. Stefan placed his hand out for her to grab. She stared at it for a little while and placed her hands in his. His green eyes sparkled.

Elena held his hand tight as they took a step out the door. The sun was so bright that she hid her face is her arm. Stefan placed his arm around her letting her hide her face in his jacket. Stefan couldn't help but smile as she did so. He loved to feel her against his body.

Stefan opened the door to his car letting her step inside. Since she didn't know what do to do, Stefan buckled her seatbelt for her. Stefan then stepped in and started driving off.

Elena: Where are we going?

Stefan: Somewhere very far from here.

Stefan knew he couldn't take her home just yet since she had no clue what was going on and also was still compelled.

Throughout the whole car drive, Stefan kept looking over to Elena without her noticing. Elena had her eyes out the whole time as if she had never seen anything before. It was all so new to her.

As he kept driving, one thing kept bothering Stefan, she was so injured and bloody. He couldn't see her that way. Stefan found a motel near by and stopped there.

Elena: Where are we?

Stefan: We are going to stay here for the night.

Stefan opened Elena's car door and walked her to the front door where they registered. Elena kept herself distracted by looking at some fish in a fish tank.

Stefan: Hi, me and my girlfriend need a room.

Elena heard how he described her as girlfriend and was surprised. She wasn't sure what that was, but still kept looking at the fish.

Stefan then went over to Elena and they walked off into some room on the side of the building.

Inside was this yellow painted wall with two beds, a coffee table in between, and a small TV. Stefan had asked for two beds in case Elena still wasn't comfortable sleeping in the same bed as him.

Stefan: I'll be right back okay.

Elena: Where are you going?

Stefan: I just need to grab something, but I'll be quick. Don't let anyone in, okay?

Elena: Okay.

Stefan went over to kiss Elena on her forehead. Oh how he wished he could just kiss her on her lips, the lips he wanted to kiss since he had found her.

While Stefan was gone, Elena found some magazines in the coffee table and decided to look inside them. One was a teen magazine that was really colorful, which is why she picked it.

Elena jumped onto the bed to read the magazine. As she flipped through the pages, there was one picture that caught her attention.

The picture was of a couple sleeping next to each other on the same bed. The title read 'Boyfriend and Girlfriend Goals.' Elena thought of how Stefan had called her his girlfriend to the front desk. She then looked over to how there were two beds instead of one. At that moment, Stefan walked in holding on to a bag.

Stefan: I brought you something.

Elena put down the magazine where it was and walked over to Stefan.

Stefan: Here.

Stefan pulled out some clean, brand new clothes that he bought for her.

Stefan: You can put on the pajamas I got you after you take a shower.

Elena starred at him puzzled.

Stefan: What's wrong?

Elena: What's a shower?

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