Chapter 8 - Elena?

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Stefan had the spent the whole week searching for Elena's scent, but when he stopped, he slept in his car.

Stefan suddenly woke up to the sound of someone knocking on his car window. A little annoyed, Stefan opened his window.

Stefan: Yes?

Stefan's eyes were barely open from the rough night. He had only being able to think about Elena.

Policeman: You are not allowed to park here. Now, I'm going to give you a warning because you seem new in town, but if I see you again parking in places where you are not allowed to park, we are going to have issues, you hear?

The man was pretty elderly and wasn't the threatening type. Stefan, who didn't want more problems, just nodded and drove off.


Damon had searched in various places where he thought Katherine could be. He searched hotels, motels, bars, even upstate houses, but no Katherine.

He would think she would've compelled some rich guy to look after her, but all the rich places didn't have any trace of her presence.

He hoped he wouldn't find her, but he kind of did to find some answers. He kept searching even tried the beach.


Stefan parked in some nearby neighborhood that only had a couple houses. The yards and individual lot space was pretty big for each home. It was a windy day so when Stefan closed his window, his hair has gotten all messed up.

Although right when he had closed his window, the scent came again. Trying to smell it all, his instinct told him to step outside. Leaving the car door open, Stefan stepped outside on the concrete sidewalk, taking the scent in, the scent he truly missed.

He knew Elena had to be in one of those houses. He hadn't been in that neighborhood meaning there was hope. He walked by the first house trying to hear what was going on inside.

Stefan's hearing: Get up! You are going to be late for school!!

Stefan knew that wasn't where Elena was, so he moved on to the next house.

Stefan's hearing: Come on Babe, can't you tell your boss that you don't have to go so early?

Stefan knew it wasn't Elena, but Damon was right, she could've stayed with someone even though he didn't want to admit it. Stefan waited to hear the girls voice.

Stefan's hearing: You know I can't even if I wanted to.

It was a deep manly voice. Stefan kept walking after they were about to engage in something else.

The next house was pretty small and the grass outside was starting to die.

Stefan's hearing: Come on, time for your morning punishment.

Stefan stood there a little confused at what he had heard.

Stefan's hearing: I know.

Stefan's heart raced. It was Elena's voice. It was his soul mate. Though Stefan didn't have to wait and hear any longer, something was different. She didn't sound the same. It was almost robotic and flat. It didn't have her normal spunk and sweetness.

Stefan's hearing: Ahhhhh, please no more, I've had enough. It hurts, please make it stop. Please, please, please. Ahhh!!

Someone was hurting her and so he vampire sped kicked the door open only to see the most horrific thing he has ever seen.

His heart sank as he saw Elena being trapped in some small cage that was meant for animals.

All around the room, there was blood.
Glass covered the floor along with rat traps and trash. Hanging on the windows was spikes in case she tried to 
escape. As he looked over to the kitchen, there was trash in the blender.

The smell was no longer sweet, it was horrible. It was terrible. Elena looked like she had been tortured all day. The walls even had different whips and punishment items to use on her.

As she looked over to Stefan, her eyes held the tears in as if compelled not to cry. She was scared, she shook, shaking the whole cage. She had lost a lot of weight and a lot of blood. Her body was covered in blood stains and open wounds. And worst of all, she had bite marks everywhere meaning she had been on fed on multiple times.

The man standing there spraying Elena with some sort of acid, ran over to Stefan trying to rip out his heart. Stefan put up a fight. They vampire sped through the kitchen, pushing each other into the walls.

As they made there way fighting into the room Elena was being held in, Stefan was being choked against the wall of weapons. The mans eyes and veins larger than his meaning he was older and stronger.

Stefan was almost choked out as an idea popped into his head. He quickly grabbed a whip from the wall and swung it so hard against the mans neck that it snapped off his whole head completely.

Taking in his breath, Stefan rushed over to set Elena free from the cage that she was being held captive in.

Stefan: Elena.

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