Twelve: Crazy Poses Shot

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When I switched with Hale for supervising Hathaway I saw the man, a.k.a Belikov, was finally asleep. I'd had more sleep than him in the last 3 days. That's saying something given how busy I had been. He looked so unguarded and peaceful with one hand cradling Annabella's back and the other grasping Hathaway's, all the while his head was relying on the top of the incubator to be a makeshift pillow. He looked like a distressed father and husband. He was one lucky bastard- he had a family, one struggling for life, but a family nonetheless. He had far more than any of us guardians ever, ever dare dreamed of.

"How long has he been like that?" I softly asked Hale.
His usual stony expression softened and his blue eyes shone indulgently. "Two hours so far. Hathaway and Annabella are stable- they don't dare move the baby yet, though someone should be in soon to do whatever it is they need to."

The past three days had been hard on all of us, but it was hardest on those of us who had shifts here, those of us who witnessed Belikov looking worse than he ever had; hardly eating and drinking, always stressing and never leaving unless ordered. As Hathaway clung to life Belikov clung to her side. He hadn't shaved, his hair was disheveled and his clothes were all crumpled. And already he was skinner than the day he was released from jail, which wasn't a very good sight on someone so tall. His sleep deprivation had made him much more prone to snapping and growling at anyone and anything.

Not to mention the mounting odds of a hung jury at Hathaway's hearing. There was some solid evidence in her favour now, and it was killing a number of us to have to also try finding more evidence against her. I was certain she was innocent, but the Moroi weren't going to consider considering giving her benefit of the doubt unless there was a clear alternate perpetrator with even more evidence stacked against them. Not likely given how well their tracks were covered and how well they'd made all evidence and guilt scream 'Rosemarie Hathaway'. So yeah, a few of us felt we were wrongfully detaining her. But at the end of the day, they come first, our opinions on the matter didn't count until we'd caught the true guilty party and proved Hathaway's innocence to the Moroi- prosecuting, Council, and general world-wide population.

I had some solid evidence now, but it wasn't enough to save her, not yet. Whichever of Belikov's suspects or one of the suspected accomplices better trip up sometime soon or else Hathaway's hearing will occur without her testimony. There was plenty of contradictory evidence, but until there was enough solid evidence to shift the blame it looked as though Hathaway was going to be executed and Belikov left a single, unemployed father.

"Guardian Croft, a date for Hathaway's hearing must be set," a self-important Lord Nathan Ivashkov demanded. Rudely and cooly, I must emphasise.
"With all due respect," not that you deserve it in your own right, "a date cannot be set until Miss Hathaway is responsive. Which she is not at the present time, Lord Ivashkov.
"Today's priority remains the funeral. In three days time the Guardians will ensure the safety of the Council meeting for the election of the candidates. Then we will re-evaluate the situation should Hathaway's condition improve."
Fuming, Nathan Ivashkov glared, turned around and removed his condescending self from my office. I breathed a sigh of relief.
Sometimes I reluctantly had to admit I understood Hathaway's tendency to be incredibly insubordinate and her blunt, frank and honestly voiced opinions of a number of the royals. It wasn't fun being dictated to by ungrateful and very inconsiderate dependants. It wasn't all of them, but it was enough with enough social standing and power.

I didn't crumble under the pressure of Queen Tatiana's funeral procession and Council formalities... not that I had yet been granted my place because I had to have family. No matter, I still did my duty and paid my respects. Of course, my practicality in my... fashion choices... had caused a stir. I couldn't help but wonder how Rose was, if she could be proven innocent so I didn't have another funeral to deal with, another death to mourn. I didn't want Annabella losing her mother, my best friend.

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