Fourty •

63 3 0

Nev Quinn

I hopped to the living room to see Bri sitting on the couch watching TV.

"What are you watching?" I sat next to her.

"I don't even know." She laughed.

"What's it like being pregnant?" I asked.

"You wanna find out? Sophia bought the thing online, its like this thing that makes your stomach bigger"

"Let me see it!"

She waddles to her room and comes back with the thingy. I don't know what's its called.

"Here wrap it around your waist and tighten in the back" She gave it to me.

I pulled my shirt off so I could actually act like I'm pregnant.

I did what she told me and put on my shirt.

"Now, move slowly like me when getting up" She said.

I tried getting up but failed.

Oh well.

"Hey Bri! Hey Nev?" Niall came in.

"I'm pregnant and you're not the father. Oops" I joked.

"Well who could it be? I mean you did live in your room for two weeks."

"You never know who could've climbed through the window" I smirked.

"Whatever! Its my kid"

"You wish"

"Ahh, Nenia, still going strong." Bri sighed.

"Shut up" I said.

"Love you babe" She smirked.


I got a call from Mark.

I answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Nev, I need you down here. As soon as possible. Its your mom-"

"What's wrong?"

"She's in the hospital. I don't know what happened! She was doing fine inw minute, the next she's having a heart attack!"

"Oh my Goku! I'll be there as soon as I can!"

"Okay, I love you. Be safe"

"Love you too, take care of mom"

"You know I will"

I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me.

He hung up and I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Bri asked.

"I gotta go"

"Go where?" Niall asked.

"My mom's in the hospital" I said.

"Why? What happened?" Niall got all worried.

"I don't know! I need to go!"

"I'm not letting you go by yourself!" Bri said.

"You can barley walk and you wanna fly to Texas with me!"

"Live life to the fullest!"

"Why the fuck am I still wearing this?" I asked and took off the pregnant thingy.

I packed clothes for about two weeks.

"Nev, where you going?" Liam asked.

"I need to go back to Texas. My mom is in the hospital"

"Oh my god! We can't let you go by yourself!"

"I'm not! Bri is coming!"

"Nope! We're all coming!"

Liam ran away. Probably to go wake up everyone.

God. I have so many problems in my life. Nothing ever goes my way, everything has a twist. I can't just live a happy life, with a happy family, healthy parents, and no problems whatsoever?

I really think after all I've been through, I deserve a break from all of it.

I still have to call Jesse and Megan.

They re-met mom about a month or so ago.

"Ahh!" I threw my blanket around.

"I fucking this!" I yelled.

"Can't anything ever go great for me?" I dropped to the floor and cried my heart out.

"Shh, its gonna be alright. Everything is gonna be fine, I promise." Someone pulled me into a hug.

"You can't make a promise you can't keep." I said.

"Come on, let's go get the private plane ready" I realized it was Niall.

Why is he always there for me?

What does he see in a fuck up like me?

God. I don't deserve this fame, I don't deserve him, I don't deserve the friends I have now.

I don't deserve to live.

Niall helped me carry my bags to the limo.

Everyone followed.

I need a break from all this.

I tweeted.

I sat in between Harry and Zayn.

"Everything is gonna be okay." Zayn put his arm around my should and pulled me close.

"Don't say that" I whispered.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because we don't know anything."

It went silent.

"If it makes you feel any better I lost my nanna to cancer" Louis said.

"How the hell is that supposed to make me feel better? How the hell can you just say that?"

"I'm saying everything happens for a reason. Nanna was always happy and loving, but it was her time. God decided to bring her home for a reason. That reason was because, when she died her brother had his first grandchild"

"Are you saying my mom is gonna die?"

"No! Not at all! I'm just saying she is in the hospital for a reason. Maybe God is trying to tell us something"

"I don't know. Maybe"

I really hope he's right.

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