Twenty Four •

84 3 4

Nev Quinn

"Babe! It's starting!" Niall squealed.

" My girlfriend's bitchin' cause I always sleep in
She's always screamin' when she's calling her friend
She's kinda hot though
Yeah, she's kinda hot though
(Just an itty bitty little bit hot)

My shrink is telling me I got crazy dreams
She's also saying I got low self esteem
She's kinda hot though
Yeah, she's kinda hot though
(Just a little bit a little bit hot)

She put me on meds, she won't get out of my head
She's kinda hot though
(One, two, three, four)

My friend left college cause it felt like a job
His mom and dad both think he's a slob
He's got a shot though (No, not really)
Yeah, he's got a shot though (No, not really)

When you've got bigger plans that no one else understands
You've got a shot though
(Oh my, that's a big plan you've got there)

They say we're losers and we're alright with that
We are the leaders of the not coming back's
But we're alright though
Yeah, we're alright though
We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene
Yeah, we're alright though
(Uno, dos, tres, cuatro)

Sometimes I'm feeling like I'm going insane
My neighbor told me that I got bad brains
But I'm alright though (We're alright though)
Yeah, we'll be alright though (We're alright though)
Cause we're the kings and the queens of the new broken scene
And we're alright though
(One, two, three, four)

They say we're losers and we're alright with that
We are the leaders of the not coming back's
But we're alright though (We're alright though)
Yeah, we're alright though (We're alright though)
We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene
Yeah, we're alright though (We've got to be OK)

Na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na
But we're alright though
Na na na na na na na na na na na
Yeah, we're alright though
Na na na na na na na na na na na
We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene
Yeah, we're alright though" The new song ended.

Niall was squealing like Crazy!

"You happy?"

"We're alright though"

"Shut up" I said in a cute voice.

"Awe your so cute" He giggled.

"Awe your so weird" I giggled.

"Send me the link Mike sent. I need that song as my ringtone"

"Oh so my favorite song in the world doesn't matter anymore?"

"No no no! I'll keep your favorite song" He panicked.

My favorite song in the world is Boys 'Round Here.

"I gotta call the boys and tell them congrats on the new song" I said.

I dialled Mike's number.

"Bruh?" He answered.

"Dude congrats on the song! Its awesome. Niall loves it!" I laughed.

"Dude thanks! Lol really?"

"Yeah! Guess what!"


"I'm gonna be in Australia next week"


"Yeah, you guys should stay in Melbourne for a couple of days"

"Oh why you going back to Melbourne?"

"My Baby's first Birthday"

"You have a child?"

"Baby cousin slash nephew dumbass"

"Oh, I feel stupid"

"You are stupid Michelle"

"Shut the fuck up Neveah"

"Hey! Don't swear!"

"I do what I want I'm punk rock"

"So how did you find out my real name?"

"That's your name?"

"No! You dumbass"

"Fuck off!"

"Fuck on fuck off!" I laughed.

"Why are you so hyper?"

"I don't Fucking know!"

"I wanna be in the tribe!"

"I wanna be in the tribe!"

"I wanna be in the tribe!"

"Let me be in the tribe!"

"I wanna be in the tribe!"

"Well I better go! Later!"

"Bye Bish"

"Later Bitch"

I hung up.

"What?" I asked Niall.

"Why are you so hyper?"

"Shut up. I need sleep" I said.

I rested my head on my pillow.

Niall cuddled me.

"Sir, you have your own bed"

"Yeah, but sleeping with you is better"

"Get the hell away" I joked.

I could tell it wasn't a joke to him.

He started crying and I got up.

"Niall I'm not doing this now!" I rose my voice.

He only cried more.

"Alright! I'm sorry!" I said.

He didn't stop.

"Bub! I'm sorry!" I said in a cute and annoying voice.

"Apology denied"

"Bye then"

"No! I'm kidding!"

"What I thought bitch"

"Your a hoe, but your my hoe"


Niall sat up and turned on the TV.

I cuddled his side and he out him arm around me.

I noticed he was shirtless.

I started poking his stomach and Nipples.

"Stop that!" He swatted my hand away from his nipple.

I went for it again.

"Stop it!" He said.

I poked his bellybutton.

"Babe stop!" He glared at me.

I looked up at him and smiled like a kid who was missing his two front teeth.

I fell asleep hearing his heartbeat.

Kidnapped by 5 IdiotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora