Twenty Six •

88 2 3

Nev Quinn

So Me and Niall just landed in Sydney Australia.

We're gonna hang out with the boys for a bit then head to Melbourne. Well Perth then Melbourne.

My phone started ringing, it was an unknown number.

"Yo?" I answered.

"Hey Nev, this is Taylor Swift!"

"Oh hey Taylor! What brings your voice to my ear?"

"Well you've heard my new song Bad Blood right?"

"Yeah! Its awesome!"

"Thanks! Anyways, we're gonna do a music video for it and you would be perfect for it!"


"Yes you! What do ya say?"

"Uh, yeah I'll do it. When do we start shooting? I'm in Sydney right now"

"Australia? Whatcha doing there?"

"Baby Cousin's birthday party"

"Oh, well I guess when you get back. I'll uh, keep in touch. Have fun!"

"Okay bye Tay"

She hung up.

"Taylor Swift?" Niall asked.

"She wants me to be in her Bad Blood music video"

"Oh cool!"

"Yeah, just hope Harry won't be mad at me" I joked.

"Lol" He laughed.

Did he just say Lol?

"Did you just say Lol?'


We headed to the boys' house to hang out for a bit, then we're off to Perth.

"Hey guys!" I smiled at them.

"Its been forever!" Luke pulled me into a hug.

"Its been a week" I laughed.

"Felt like forever" He smiled.

"Whatever Penguin" I giggled. "Michelle! I missed you!" I hugged Mikey.

"Very funny" He hugged back.

"Ashton! Your becoming Harry" I messed with his curls.

"Am not"

"Calum, still looking Asian as ever" I punched his tummy.

"Shut up" He laughed.

We got to the boys house and messed around.

It was only the morning when we got here, but now its afternoon and we have to get to Perth before it gets dark.

"Bye bye twin" Luke hugged me.

"Bye twin" I hugged him back.

"Bye Nev bye Niall!" Mikey said.

"Bye Michelle" I smiled.

We said bye to everyone else and left.

When we got into Perth I checked us in at a Hotel.

I called Chris to tell him where we were.

"Hey Nev!"

"Hey Chris, I just called to tell ya that I'm in Perth already. I should be there tomorrow"

"That's awesome! Alright I can't wait to see you. Neither can the family"

"I can't wait to see you guys!"

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