Four •

242 8 3

Nev Quinn

Me and Niall got home to see boys on the floor asleep. I don't know why they were on the floor, but they were

I decided to join them.

I lay on the floor next to Zayn, to find out he was awake.

"Hi" I mouthed.

"Hey" He smiled.

"Why are you on the floor?" I asked.

"We got bored, Niall was hogging you for himself so we didn't have anything to do, Harry went somewhere with his girlfriend I guess"

"Harry has a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yeah, you didn't know?"

"Nope, but now I do"

I just layed there looking at Zayn.

"We should go do something tonight!" He suggested.

"Like what?"

"Ever been to a club before"

"Yes I have and they're the worst!"

"You don't like to have fun!"

"Yes I do! You can ask Jimmy, he'll tell you all about how fun I am!"

"Who the hell is Jimmy?"

"My imaginary friend"

"Wow. You need help"

"Shush or I won't go with you!"

"Okay, well its only like what 4? I'm pretty sure the boys want to come along so I'll just wake 'em up!" He smirked. "Boys! Nev left us! Niall took her to the airport, and she is currently on her way back to Texas!" He yelled.

"What I'm up?" Liam shot up.

"Okay now that we're awake! We're taking Nev to a club tonight!"

"Awesome!" Louis Laughed.

Around 8 or 9, We were all ready to leave. Everyone was going except Harry, because his girlfriend was gonna spend some time with him here at the house. She's quite sweet though, short around my height, Curly brown Hair, and a very pretty smile. Harry's caught himself a good one! I think her name is Mia.

I was dressed in a Dress Niall had bought me. I don't normally wear dresses so I put a pair of black leggings on underneath.

The dress was cute, right above my knees, it was strapless and had a cute red anchor on the left bottom side. The rest of it was white with Blue stripes, I decided a pair of flats would go good with the outfit, a red pair that is!

I put on a small amount of Makeup and walked out.

Everyone's eyes were on me. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes. By everyone I mean everyone, Even Harry and Mia.

"Oh my Gosh! You look gorgeous!" Mia squealed.

"Yeah what she said!" Zayn said staring at me.

"Agreed" Niall Nodded not taking his eyes off me.

All Lou did was nod.

"Yeah!" Liam stared at me.

"Thanks Mia! You know you guys should come with us! It'll be fun!" I smiled.

"I would but I don't haven anything good to wear right now!" She whined.

"Don't worry! Niall just bought me a whole bunch of clothes! Let's go find something!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her to Ni's room.

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