Twelve •

136 5 0

Nev Quinn

Me and Niall have benn chatting and laughing at Parker because he's asleep in the litter box.

"Come here Parker" I grabbed him from the litter box.

"Babe don't him up" Niall told me.

"Shush Child"

I layed oarker down on his back and layed next to him. I started scratching his tummy whike he clawed and bit my fingers and arm.

"Babe I think he's hungry" Niall laughed.

I shrugged and continued to play with him.

I murmered gibberish to Parker as I played with him.

"Parker you so fluffy Parker" I said in a cute voice.

"Meow" Parker talked to me.

"Can you scratch my tummy?" Niall begged

"Come here" I laughed.

He layed his head on my stomach and I lightly traced my fingers over his tummy.

Parker hissed at Niall.

"Hey you no do that!" I said to Parker. "He's your daddy, you need to love him"

"I think he's jealous because I took his attention away."

"Awe! Parker" I played with Parker's paws.

"Your so cute" Niall told me.


"Stop what?"

"Stop being cute! Your making me want to forgive you!"

"Awe come on! You know you want to anyways!"

"No I don't. I'm very mad at you!"

"Telling a lie is very bad Nev Quinn"

"Yes I know that Niall Horan"

I put Parker to sleep by rubbing his nose and paw.

He was purring in his sleep which I found very cute.

"Babe he's purring!" I giggled.


"I said babe he's purring!"

"Yeah I know. You called me babe"

"Yeah and?"

"Do you forgive me?"


"I tried"

I started humming God Made Girls, I don't remember the artist but its a good song.

"God made girls, God made girls, He stood back and told the boys I'm 'bout to rock your world" I sang.

"Your a good singer Babe" Niall yawned.


"I don't wanna" He turned around so his chin was resting on my tummy.

"Hi there, come here often?" I asked.

"To corpus? No not really. Just here trying to get my babe to love me again. You?"

"Well I live here. Who's this babe of yours?"

"Well she's pretty, She's shorter than me, She's adorable, and I just love her curly hair" He gushed.

"Does she have a name?"

"She does indeed. Its Nev, Nev Quinn"

"Oh really? Last time I remember you were gushing over Holly" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Babe dont bring her up. I dont like her anymore. Please forgive me" He pouted and batted his eyelashes.

"I'm not forgiving you Ni, but i will act like I did only because we have a son."

"Yay!" He kissed my shirt that was covering my tummy.

I winced at the presure he was putting on my stomach.

"I'm sorry babe, i didn't mean to. Where does it hurt?"

"Its fine Ni. Nothing really hurts me. Just the things I've been through hurt"

"What's that mean?"

Yes. It's been about 3 months and I haven't told him about my scars.

"Pick your head up"

He lifted his head and I pulled up my shirt to reveal my scars.

"Do they hurt?" He asked.

"Not really"

"I'm sorry" He whispered.

"Its not your fault" I said.

His eyes watered as he was about to cry.

"Shh, don't cry" I sat up.

"But you've been through so much and I hurt you" He cried.

Seeing him cry hurts me even more.

"Baby don't cry! I may have been through a lot and you may have hurt me, but I'm fine. Please stop crying, seeing you cry hurts me even more" I started crying.

"I don't want to hurt you" He shook his head.

"You won't"

"Yes I will. I've done it once I'm bound to do it again"

"Don't think like that!"

I hugged him tightly.

"Please don't cry" I whispered.

"I won't" He whispered back.

We pulled away and dried our tears.

"Wanna watch TV?" I asked.

He nodded in response.

I turned on the TV but nothing seemed to intrest me.

I turned to the news and heard Niall's name.

"Niall Horan has been seen catching a plane to Corpus. His roumored girlfriend has been seen catching an earlier flight to Corpus today as well. Did Niall come all that way for her?" A lady on TV said.

"Yes, Yes I did" He talked to the TV.

"Don't talk to the TV! Its weird"

We joked around til it got super late.

I told Niall he could sleep in the bed with me as long as I got to be big spoon.

I haven't forgiven him yet. But I'm getting there.

I wonder when he's going home...

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