Fourteen •

128 3 0

Nev Quinn

"Larry is Dead" Niall said looking at his phone.


"Louis is gonna be a dad! Look!" He showed me his phone.

"What the hell was he doing? Promoting No Control?"

"Most likey"

"I need to have a talk with him"

I dialled Louis's number on my phone.

He picked up after 3 rings.

"What the hell we're you thinking?" I yelled.

"Oh so you know"

"Yes! Lou I'm happy for you but Damn. Your 23, were you promoting No Control or something?"

"No! It just happened! I want this baby, but its gonna be hard! I mean, I'm gonna be out all the time, Bri won't have anyone to help her take care of the baby"

I thought for a second.

"I'll move back to London"


"I'll move back to London, I'll help Bri with the baby. Lou"

"Oh my god! You sure Nev? I mean, you should be out there having fun! You really would do that fot me?"

"Yes Lou! I'm sure! I'm going back to London!"

"I love you so much Nev. Thank you!"

"I love you too Lou, anytime. But when I have my baby your helping!"

"When you have Niall's baby got it!"

"Shush! Now go tend to your pregnant girlfriend! She's probably hungry!"


I hung up.

"So your coming back to London?"



"I-I don't know"

"Well your on a Date so let's have some fun"

I actually forgot about being on a Date with him.

I'm going back to London, but for Lou, not Niall.


He grabbed my hand and we walked out of starbucks.

"I'm happy your coming back" He smiled.

"Just know that I'm going back because of Lou, not you"

"I know, though I wish you were going back for me"

"Ni, you know I'm still mad at you"

"I know, what I did was just, terrible and heartless, if i were you I'd never talk to me again"

"But you know why I still am talking to you?"

"No not really"

"Yes you do!"

"Is it because you find me irresistible?"


"Because you think I'm a sex god and you want to find out for yourself?"

"Ewe no!"

"Because you like me?"


"Nev has a crush on me!"

"Yeah! Well Niall has a crush on me!"


"I only have a small crush on you"

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