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"Hey I'm gonna get another drink" I slurred stumbling to the bar.

"Ayyyyyy Barrett tender err , c-can I get a whiskey on the rocksssss?" I giggled trying to keep balance.

"I'm cutting you off ma" He chuckled.

I manage to jump and sit on the counter.

"Aw come on baby just one more?" I said seductively rubbing his peck.

Suddenly I was being pulled off of the counter and was up against a wall.

"H-hey watch it" I slurred pushing the mystery man away.

"What the fuck are you doing?He growled which kinda turned me on.

"Getting a drink baby, what are youuu doing" I said poking at his chest giggling.

"God your so sexy, even when your sloppy drunk"He groaned grabbing my hips.

"Don't you have a g-girlfriend to tend to? Why are you in my face?" I said trying to push him but failed miserably.

"Your coming home with me"He said grabbing my arm.

"The hell I am get off me punk ass buster" I said pulling away.

I managed to get out a of his grip and find mia.

"I gotta get the hell up outta here"I slurred.

I looked around the club looking for mia I found her dancing the night away with a fairly cute guy.

"M-mia we gotta gooooo" I yelled she nodded grabing her guys hand leading him out of the club.

There was a cab waiting out front for us we piled into the cab and left.


The cab came to a stop I payed the driver and stumbled to the porch fishing through my purse for the house keys.

"Come onnnnn" I whined than smiled once I found them.

I jabbed the key in the whole but it wouldn't fit I yelled out in frustration.

"Let me do it your taking forever" Mia growled probably because I holding up her and guy friend.

She unlocked the door and I kicked off my heels hissing at the cold floor.

I stumbled into the living room and passed out on the couch.


Hey guysss, I hope you guys are liking my story lol. Ill try and update soo for you guys. I lovee youuuuuu guys.



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