"Don't you dare laugh" she snickered at me. I just chuckled lightly.

"Come sit, take a sub. Want some water?" I asked her as a put a plate in the stool and a sub. Quickly opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

"And some hangover pills would be enough" she said taking a sit, grabbing the sub and taking a bite. Moaning her delight at the food.

"Oh come on you, know we don't get hangovers, I think" I though since werewolves don't get drunk often. But yesterday maybe an exception.

"Of course we don't" she gave a sarcastic answer.

"Guys get your subs" I shouted to the boys, who immediately appeared through the dinning room's door.

"First of all did you finished cleaning?" I asked raising my eyebrow at them.

They just looked at each other into their eyes.

"No, we did not finished, thank you very much" they said scoffing. I raised the spatula that was near me, giving them a quick stare, even though it was a funny one.

"Don't play with me" I teased, while they just smiled.

"Oh hi, sis, thank you for helping us" Dustin said to Gianna, she giving him a mad look.

"Oh don't you start piece of ass, I know you practically did the make-up face thing. I know you like the back of my hand" she growled at him. He just laughed and took a seat near her, Jack taking the other chair his deep charcoal eyes in deep amusement.

I put a plate in front of them both, and handed them a sub. Earning myself wonderful noises from them.

"Man this is good" said Jack while he had his eyes closed.

Putting a bottle of water in front of them I grabbed my sub, taking a bite. Not to be a show off, but it was damn good.

"So what are the chores for today?" Asked Dustin, while Jack looked at me with a pointed look.

"Well we need to establish new patrolling routes, and with two warriors one tracker. We need to let the Rogues know that this pack is not easy to enter, let alone escape" I said taking a gulp of water.

"Also we have to set their time lapses. Maybe twenty minutes of patrolling, five minutes of break then another squad goes. Also we have to introduce the healing wolves" said Jack as Gianna looked at him in recognition, swallowing her bite of bread.

"That's right Gianna, how the new wolves coming?" I asked her feeling a little happy-ish. Their was a new found in all of the packs of North America, that if you train certain wolves, in the art of medicine and healing, when the Pack Doctor uses its affinity abilities, they can also replicate the same power. But the only difference is that it's only after a limited amount of time, not like the Pack Doctor itself, that has the energy to use it at will.

"Everything's going smoothly and perfect. It's just a matter of time that we have Medical Wolves, which is the correct term, to the patrolling teams" he said the correct part looking at Jack. Her light blue eyes shinning with anger, maybe still mad about the make-up prank.

"Ok, ok sorry" he said with a mocking tone.

"Man this is getting out of control, the Rogues have trespass the pack borders three times in two weeks. We need to alert the pack at this" Dustin said finishing his last bite.

Lady Alpha To You! Ok?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora