Chapter Nine

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Stiles slammed his bedroom door behind them, letting Liam's arm go once he was safely in the confines of Stiles's room.

"Dude, we gotta talk."

He turned around to the younger Teenager, momentarily pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration before fully looking at him.

"First off, what in the hell was that?"

Liam looked guilty, his puppy dog eyes on full display as he put all of his words into one simple movement;

A shrug.

Stiles threw his hands up in the air, clearly flustered. "A shrug. Yeah, that sums up about pretty much everything. Hey, Albert Einstein, what's your theory on relativity," His voice dropped low in a mock impression of the scientist, "Oh, I don't know lower-class scientists. I'll just shrug and let you all guess what it is. I call it charades! I heard that Aristotle used that method too!"

"Can you stop that!" Liam shouted, obviously annoyed.

"Stop what? Answering my own questions? Well I'm sorry Mr. Red Riding Wolf, your shrugging left me questioning my own sanity!"

Liam growled, narrowing his eyes at the older Teenager. "I just- just didn't like him being near you. That's all."

Stiles's train of thought quickly rerailed.

"You didn't like me being near Deaton," he repeated, definitely not expecting that. "Why not?"

Now it was Liam's turn to throw his hands up in the air. "How should I know? You guys seem to be the experts on all things Werewolf, so you tell me!"

His hands ended up in his hair, and he started pacing around the perimeter of the room when he finished his last sentence.

"All I remember out of the whole thing is that the Deaton guy looked off to me, and when he stepped inside the door I thought he was gonna jump you."

"Jump me?" Stiles repeated.

"Attack you."

"Oh. Continue."

Liam was a bit confused at how Stiles was handling their entire conversation too calmly. But, he did as he was told.

"After that, it's a big blur. Like, I remember stepping in front of you and Scott saying my name, but then suddenly we're up here and you're interrogating me."

Liam stopped pacing, letting his arms fall enough to cross over his chest. He ended up gazing out of Stiles's window, across the room from the older Teenager. It was just barely Noon, and Liam's nerves were already about fried.

Training with Scott all morning didn't help him out one bit, but in fact made him more pissed off. All he did was put him on his ass, for no other reason than to 'get his Wolf out'. It was actually not that hard, considering that all Scott did was ask one of the Wolves to distract Stiles from looking at the two.

Speaking of, those things scared the shit out of him. Liam only seen a real Wolf once in his life- when his step father took him to a Zoo when he was seven.

But those things were gigantic.

The Wolf that perched itself next to Stiles- God, the thought of anybody next to Stiles made him want to rip someone's throat out- was roughly as long as the porch. Hell, it's pawprint was twice as big as Liam's hand.

But when he saw the people be had just met not even twelve hours ago change into those.. those.. Gigantawolves, he had to physically stop himself from running back into the house.

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