chap 2

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hiccups pov.
it was the end of astrids party and me and astrid were out flying, when i said " astrid i want to explore out side of the argopelicgo, you and the gang can come" " okay fishbone i will come." "okay iam asking my dad to night" " goodnight birthday girl" "wait hiccup, "  i walk towards her, i regonzie that face its i want a kiss face, so i get hold of her waste and pull her close and kiss her, we kiss untill we can not breath, she kisses my cheack, and calls for stormfly, " hiccup do u want a lift home" "yes please " i jump on stormfly and astrids drops me off. I saw good night and run into my house.
*---time skip to the nexting morning---*
toothless was jumping on my bed,thats his way of saying i want to go flying now, hurry up. So thats what we did we flow around the island, when i remembered we were aloud to explore out the aracapeigo, for as long as we want, i tell the gang and they all agree to explore with me, we set out tommorow; only bringing are selves, are dragons and a couple of things eatch.i pack two saddle bags and a bag that is slung over my shoulder. 1 Of the saddle bags contains food and a canteen for water the other for toothless some matriel for a new tail, sone mini books and 2 spyglasses. In my own bag is an pocket tool, rations ,a mini canteen, a little drawing of me and astrid , a spare metal rod for toothless' tail and a map of the arcgopeligo. once iam finished packing i load it all on to toothless who dosent mind the weight.

My chief and his dragon ( hiccstrid)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu