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"You bitch!" My mom screamed as she flung herself at me, throwing her fist towards my face. Her hands reached for my throat and tightened around it as she pushed me up against the wall. I could feel the life slipping for me and I was powerless. I kicked and punched with no avail. Then she let go, my body dropped to the floor as I got my breath back, and she violently pulled a drawer out of the set of drawers. Grabbing a fistful of my clothing, she threw it at me, and calmed enough to say something. "I want you out of this house by the morning."

Then she left. She slammed my door and then there was silence. I wiped the blood from my face and attempted to wipe the blood from my oversized light grey sweater. It was left with a large blood stain on it, but I didn't care. I didn't bother to pick up my clothes, my cigerattes, my money, my radio, I just left. I climbed out of the window and ran down the fire escape. It was 11p.m., so hardly anyone was around. It was creepy, but I didn't really care. I took off for the park, knowing exactly where to go.

The park was lovely at night. I never did understand why people would say they were 'afraid of the dark.' I think they were afraid of the unknown, afraid that they couldn't see past a few metres or so. As rain began to fall - not helping the depressing mood I was in - I moved forward to the bridge and took a deep breath. Climbing over, I stood on the tiny ledge.

"So you're gonna leave your family in bits, huh?" A voice spoke out. I felt my anger growing as I looked down at the rushing river below me. "You're gonna jump off there, and you're gonna leave them with nothing."

"Fuck you." I yelled, "You don't know shit."

"I know that whatever is going on in your head is making you think irrationally." He answered. His calmness and his sweet voice made me even angrier. "You think this is the only way out? You think because whatever your feeling now sucks, that it's going to last forever?"

"Of course it's going to last forever!" I replied. "I have no money, my mom kicked me out, I've never been to school, I'm never going to get a job! My mom is probably gonna be evicted and it's my fault!"

"It's not your fault-" He began, but I'd had enough. I was sick of his bullshit.

"Don't. Don't bother." I hissed. "Don't tell me all this shit. I don't wanna know."

"But you haven't jumped yet. So you do wanna know." He replied. I refused to turn around. I refused to look at him. It was a fight between my brain and my heart, and my heart won. I turned around, and I'm so glad I did. Standing before me was the most beautiful human I had ever seen. His blue-green eyes stood out even against the darkness, and he pushed some of his blond hair from his face. His hands were tucked into his pockets, his eyebrows raised as he waited for me to reply. He had a smug smile on his face that was by far the most adorable thing I'd ever seen. "There we are." He said with a grin as he gripped my hand and helped pull me over.

"Thanks." I mumbled. "I have to go home now..." I was unbelievably embarrassed. I'd just had a breakdown in front of the most perfect boy to ever live.

"I thought your mom kicked you out." He raised his eyebrows again and I sighed in defeat. "You wanna grab a coffee?"

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