}{ Chapter Five }{

Start from the beginning

"If you are going to protect my home, you need to keep your strength up. That goes for you three as well," Ciel pointed at the others, "go eat."

The four of you nodded and bowed. You followed the others out into the garden and sat on the grass with them. "Does Sebastian ever leave Ciel's side?" You asked.

"Sebastian is always with Ciel, even when he isn't physically with him. Whenever Ciel needs him, Sebastian always suddenly appears." Bard said as he munched on a sandwich.

You nodded and was quite for the rest of the dinner. You sat and ate as the other talked about their day and their encounters with Sebastian. It seemed as if they rarely ever spoke with Ciel.

Bard, Finny, and Mey-Rin stood up. "Hey, now that [f/n] is here we can finally play a game of football with teams." Finny said.

"Yes!" My-Rin shouted, "How about it [f/n]? Girls against boys?" You nodded your head and stood up.

The four of you stood in a circle creating rules. You finally finished and assumed your positions.

Bard took out a ball and threw it in the air, "Let the game begin!" He shouted.

You took off running towards the ball. Finny got to it before you could and kicked it to Bard. Mey-Rin ran towards him screaming, she slid under him, taking the ball with her. She passed it to you as you ran down the lawn. You made your way toward the two bushes that was in place of a goal. Finny suddenly appeared in front of you. You kicked it to Mey-Rin right before Finny tackled you to the ground. You watched as she kicked it hard, it flew through the opening in between the bushes. Finny got off of you and helped you up. You ran towards your goal to defend it as Bard and Finny passed the ball down the lawn. Finny kicked it, for a small boy, his kick was strong. You jumped and caught it in midair, but the force threw you back a few feet. You brushed yourself off and kicked it back in.

The game went on for a while, you and Mey-Rin were beating the boys. Bard kicked the ball and it flew into the woods. "I'll get!" You jogged in after the ball. You looked under the bushes and behind the trees. The ball rolled out and hit your foot. You immediately drew your swords.

"[f/n], long time no see." You recognized the voice. "I hear you're working for the Queen's Watchdog, how ironic."

"Jasper," you mumbled under your breath.

"Nice to see you again love." The orange haired boy walked out from the trees shadows. You lunged at the older boy and swung out you leg. He caught it, "Now, now, no need for violence." He let your leg drop to the ground.

You stood there for a moment and put your swords away. "Jasper," you repeated in a calm voice. You balled your fist together at your side. You put your weight into it as you aimed your fist for the pink boy's face. "What the hell do you want?"

He rubbed his jaw, "Didn't see that one coming."

"What the hell are you doing here Jasper? I thought you said you were never coming back." You thought back to the days were you and the boy had worked together as a team.

"You're beautiful as usual," he flirted, you rolled your eyes. "Not buying it?" You nodded at his comment.

"Cut the act, what do you want with me?" You had your arms crossed.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for what I did to you. I shouldn't have done that."

"You left me for dead, you took the money and ran! And to get away you literally stabbed me in the back." You shifted your shoulder blades, the scar on your back burning with hatred.

"You look cute in that little maid outfit." He played with a piece of your hair. "Come on now, I know you don't hate me."

You couldn't help but blush, you wanted to punch yourself for that.

"See, I told yah you didn't hate me."

"I really should." You slapped his hand away. "Now, why the hell are you here?"

"Ciel Phantomhive is the man you're working for, yes?" He asked you.

"Well, actually, he's a boy, about my age."

Jasper's light pink lips spread apart, showing his perfect white teeth. "Perfect, it'll be easier now."

"What will?"

"I have a proposition for you." He looked at you with his light purple eyes, "Work with me again, just one last time. We make a great team, then after we finish the job we can run away with each other. We'd have enough money to last us a life time, no more killing."

Old feelings boiled up inside of you. The older boy made you blush with the look he gave you. "What job?"

"Kill him, kill Ciel Phantomhive. There are plenty of people that want the brat dead. I came back to town looking for you, only to find that you've started working for him. This is the perfect opportunity for us. Kill him, run away with me, fall in love with me again." Jasper slipped his hands into yours. His fingers overlapping your small hands.

You looked into his eyes, overthinking what you had just heard. You barely knew Ciel Phantomhive, he didn't seem like a very pleasant boy. It wouldn't affect you if you killed him. You could have the life you lost a year ago back. The life where every week you were tested with deadly, heart racing, ears pounding jobs, where you had someone to rely on, and where you were loved.

He was a head taller than you, his warm breath hit your forehead. "Kill Ciel? That's all?" You asked.

"Yes, that's all you need to do. I know you have it in you, I trained you after all." Jasper was two years older than you, found you on the streets after your mom abandoned you at three years old. Your dad died a few years earlier. You had been with Jasper for most of your life, how could you say no to him?

"I just have to kill him." You repeated out loud to yourself.

"I'll take care of everything else."

"You won't leave me again?"

"Never," he whispered into your ear.

You straightened your back and made up your mind. "All right, I'll do it. I'll kill Ciel Phantomhive."
<::::::::::::{===O O===}::::::::::::>
Got to add a bit of drama.

Jasper? Boy get the heck out, I'm trying to get with Ciel.

Hope you enjoyed to chapter and keep reading! Thanks and don't forget to vote!

WTF Black Butler Moment:
Alois dressed in Hannah's maid outfit. I guess the stripping moment makes sense now...?

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