Chapter 22 ~ World Tour

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Idina POV:

I was going to a meeting with my manger about my world tour. I was honestly so nervous. I haven't seen my manger in forever. After everything that has happened. I just want to crawl in my bed in the dark, listen to sad music and cry.

"Hey Idina. How are you feeling?"

"I've felt better. "

"Well were planning to start the tour a month after If/Then closes. We've sorted venues and selected date. "

"Will I join the If/Then tour?"

"Well the If/Then tour starts a few days after your tours ends. Wouldn't you want a break?"

"Yea I would. But can I just see the dates and venues please."

Oh my god. I thought I would be going on tour with everyone. Especially with James but no I might not even go. I wonder how he will take it. I mean we will be apart for awhile which would suck and the kids. I took a copy of the tour dates and venues to show James.

"Hey James."

"Hey Dee. How was the meeting?"

"Well don't hate me but I might not be going on the If/Then tour because my world tour finishes a few days before you go on tour and I wouldn't see the kids for awhile and I would want to rest so..."

"Idina that's fine. I know it sucks I wouldn't get to kiss you or see the kids every night but you also deserve a break. And we have FaceTime!"

"So your not mad?"

"Of course not why would I be? "

"I love you. Anyways where are the kids?"

"The backyard is like the world war 3, with toys all over the place. So I'm watching a Star Wars movies."

"Oh my god your such a kid. Let's go outside."

I took his hand and tried to pull him but I'm weak.

"No Idina this is the season finale!"

"So what watch it later. After all you'll won't be able to kiss me in a very long time once the tour starts."

"Fuck you, let's go." James said and swept me off my feet and carried my outside.

We were all hanging out in the treehouse. We all talked about our day and funny memories I was going to miss this.

The Perfect One; Unbroken ~ Idina Menzel fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now