Day 7-dance

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One thing that they both shared from their childhood was dancing. Although they don't have their mothers anymore, dancing makes them feel like they are with them again.

But dancing together did something that no other activity could do. It made them forget about their sadness from the past.

They danced together whenever no one was looking. Sometimes it was joke, others it was romantic, and sometimes it was just to cheer each other up.

It was their secret that no one knew about.

Until one day when an unsuspecting Sokka walked in.

Zuko and Katara were baking cookies. But they weren't just baking, they were also dancing. There were clouds of flour everywhere as they playfully threw it at each other and dodged it when it was thrown at them.

Sokka was completely shocked. He was one of the only people who knew that they had a thing for each other, but he hadn't thought that anything would happen because of it.

So Sokka did what Sokka does best, he ran and told everyone about it.

Zuko and Katara, however, were oblivious to Sokka's antics and were still dancing and baking, enjoying every second together.

Then everything changed when their friends attacked... the kitchen. They all had eggs in their hands and were happily chucking them at Zuko and Katara, quickly ruining their joyous mood.

This was the story of the time when Zuko and Katara told their friends that they were together.












And also the time where they vowed to never bake cookies for them again.

Zutara Week 2015Where stories live. Discover now