28 - All I Wanted

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Tonight is the night of the All Time Low show in Poughkeepsie. All the posters have said "featuring special guests" but Alex wont tell me who they are. They've only played one show on this tour so far, news hasn't been able to travel fast enough.

"Tay," Jordan says, standing in the doorway of my house. "It's time to go."

I nod and pile into the already crammed van. Since we're only playing one show, we didn't bother getting a bus.

"You guys ready?" Rob asks, pulling on his seat belt. The guys cheer enthusiastically; I smile. I don't know why, but I have a weird feeling about tonight.

"Do you know anyone that's playing besides All Time Low?" Cameron asks.

"Someone from Pure Noise is playing. There's another band though." Mike informs.

"Tonight's gonna be sick," Rob says. "Anyone from Pure Noise will kill, plus us, and All Time Low. This is a killer line up."

"The fourth band might screw it up," Jordan adds.

"Even if they do, there'll be three great bands to make up for it."

We arrive at the venue and park behind the building. There are two tour buses and a van with a trailer hitched to the back of it. We gather all of our gear and enter the building through the back entrance. Alex and Jack greet us once we're inside.

"Tay!" Jack pulls me into a tight hug.

"Hi, Kitty. I've missed you."

"Tay, you're not allowed to stay in Poughkeepsie. You have to stay on our tour bus, then come back to Baltimore with us."

"Jack," Rian says. "Leave the poor girl alone."

"Goddammit, Rian.  Why do you always have to ruin my fun?"Jack sighs, letting me go. Rian pulls me into a side-hug.

Alex opens a door to what I'm assuming is a green room. "We're sharing this room, and the other two bands are sharing the other one."

"Will you tell us who the other two bands are now?" I ask.

"Nope," he says, popping the 'p'. "It's still a surprise, Tay."

I sit on the green room couch next to Zack. 

"How's the wild Jardine been doing?" He asks.

I don't know if he's talking about the breakup, or how I'm doing in general, so I settle for an answer that suits both: "I think I'm alright."

He gives me a generous smile. That's one thing I've always loved about Zack, his smiles.

"It's really good to see you again, Tay."

"It's good to see you, too. It's good to get out of my house."

Alex flops down next to me on the couch. "The first band goes on in twenty minutes, then you guys, then the other band, then us."

"Sounds good." I say.

Zack sends me a weird look.

Almost like he's saying sorry.


The first band on the tour turned out to be Handguns, which is the band from Pure Noise. I'm standing backstage with my band and a girl that I've never seen before.

She's a little taller than I am. She has piercing blue eyes and naturally wavy blonde hair. I have to admit that she's really pretty. She's casually dancing to the beat of the song.

Reflections - Tay Jardine & Jenna McDougall (Wattys2015)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя