10 - Girls/Girls/Boys

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Disclaimer: this will be a short chapter. Don't say I didn't warn you.


It's been a day since Jenna and I had our fight. After hours of thinking I realized that she's right. I do need to come out. I don't have to tell everybody, but I know who I need to start with.


I'm looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. The guys are too busy playing Xbox in the back lounge to hear what I'm about to say.

"Taylor Kathleen Jardine, you are a lesbian. Possibly bisexual, but we'll see how that plays out. You want to spend your life with Jenna McDougall. This is who you are."

I exit the bathroom, and text Jenna.

I know you're probably mad at me, but can we please talk?

It takes a while, but she texts back: fine

I take a deep breath before I go to the back lounge where the guys are.

"Hey, Tay," Rob says.

"Hey guys. We need to have a band meeting." I say, faster than I intended. Cameron pauses the game, and they all look at me worried.

"Okay. Um, what's up?" Jordan asks.

"Hang on. I'm kinda waiting for someone."

They're even more confused. There's a knock at the door. I run to answer it. As expected, it's Jenna.

"What do you want to talk about?" She's still mad at me. She has every right to be.

"Just follow me." I say and pull her into the bus. I shut the door behind her, and she follows me to the lounge.

When Mike sees her he asks, "Tay, are you leaving us to join Tonight Alive. Because we will kick some Australian ass if we have to."

"No, I'm not joining another band. There's just something I have to tell you."

"Tay, what are you doing?" Jenna asks from behind me.

"Something I should've done a few days ago. Because you were right."

"Are you alright?" Jordan asks.

"I'm fine." I take a very deep breath. "I know you guys have been wondering about the person that I might be dating. And I've been pushing it off for a while now, but I'm finally ready to tell you. I'm a vagetarian. And the person I really wanna be dating is Jenna."

They all stay silent for a while, which scares me.

"Um, words would be great right now." I say.

"Everything," Rob says, "makes sense now."

"What?" Cameron asks.

"Think about it: Tay's been spending a lot of time with Jenna, the duet. It all makes sense."

"So, you guys aren't mad?" I ask.

"Tay, why would we be mad?" Jordan asks. "We get why you wouldn't tell us who you liked before, and we get why you waited to tell us. We could never be mad at you for that."

The guys nod their heads in agreement.

"Okay, band hug."

We group hug. When it ends, I look at Jenna. She's smiling, obviously proud of what I just did.

"Jenna, I've been wanting to ask you this for a while, but I'm not waiting anymore. Will you please go on a date with me?"

She pulls me into a hug. "Of course I will."

"Tomorrow night. Meet me here at seven-thirty."

"Wait, you already have it planed?" She asked, stunned at how fast I came up with something for a date.


"You are definitely a mystery Miss Jardine."

I look into her eyes and say, "The best part of mysteries are figuring them out."

"Okay, that was smooth as fuck." Jordan says.

I turn to him and say, "I know right."

"I'm gonna go, I'll see you later." Jenna says, and kisses my cheek.

"Well, that happened fast." Cameron says.

I shrug and go to my bunk. I pull Twitter up on my phone and tweet: I'm a happy girl

I get a notification, saying "@jenalive11 has retweeted your tweet."

It's nice to know that she's happy too.

For the rest of the night the guys and I eat pizza, have a movie marathon, a dance party, and as always, I'm texting Jenna.

So I know this was probably shitty as hell. I feel bad when I go like a week without updating, but then I can't think and I come up with shit like this. :'(.

I just wanna make you guys happy.



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