21 - Into Your Arms

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Jenna POV

It's prom night. Every year in the middle of July, Warped Tour throws its very own prom. From what I can tell, it's not nearly as stressful as a high school one.

For Warped prom I don't have to worry about things like corsages and whether or not Tay and I match perfectly. I just have to worry about making Tay happy, and that's all I want to do anyway.

We still haven't had an "intimate" moment. We've had special dates and moments, but nothing past kissing. It doesn't bother me though. I meant what I said to her band the night of our first date: I want sex for Tay and I to be special.

I take my hair out of the side braid I had it in. My hair tumbles out in natural waves. I apply a natural makeup look to my face, then slipped out of my day clothes. I slide my black sundress on to my body. It hugs all the right places without looking trashy, or like I was trying too hard.

"Jenn," Jake says, knocking on the bathroom door. "I've got to take a piss, and it's almost time for you to go meet Tay."

"Alright," I say back through the door. I gather all my makeup and shove it into a pouch. I roll my hair tie onto my wrist, lace up my boots, and open the door. Jake hasn't changed yet; he probably will when he's done using the bathroom.

"Jenn, you look great."

I flash a wide smile. "Thanks."

I walk out to the front table where I laid out accessories. I slide a silver ring on my left pinky and smile when the light shines off it. I trade my usual nose ring for a rose gold hoop, then finally add a moonstone necklace that I save for special occasions.

"Jenna, have you seen my--whoa." Matt says.

"What?" I can't tell if the connotation is "you look great" or "you look terrible". I hope for the former.

"Tay's a lucky girl."

I walk over and tightly embrace him. "You guys are the best. I'm lucky to have you guys."

"Alright, you better get going. Don't keep your lady waiting."

"Okay, I'll see you there." I'm almost to the door when I figure out what Matt was looking for. "Hey Matt, your tie's hanging off Cam's bunk."

"How'd you know that's what I was looking for?"


I knock on the door to We Are The In Crowd's bus. Rob answers, wearing black dress pants and a collared white shirt, a bow tie hanging loose around his neck. "Come in. Tay's still getting ready."

Suddenly I'm transported back to our first date. Her band questioning me about my intentions, only now realizing that I could've said I had the "best intentions."

I didn't realize I was shaking until Jordan says, "Jenna, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just nervous, I guess."

I didn't have to wait too long for Tay to come out of the bathroom. Her dark hair was in a messy bun, which she also made look sophisticated. She's wearing an eggshell colored, button down dress. It's completed with a beaded collar and black bow around the waist. The only jewelry she's wearing is the Ohana bracelet from her Never Take It Off collection. She completed the outfit with plain black Toms.

When I see her, it's like we were the only people in the room.

"Tay, you . . . you're beautiful."

She blushes and looks at the floor. "So do you. You ready to go?"

I nod and hold my hand out to her. She takes it and tangles our fingers together. When we're off the bus I place a sweet kiss on her lips.

"Jenna, you really do look amazing."

Now I blush. We make our way to the tent where prom is being held. We start by dancing to whatever song was playing. Somewhere into the third song my band showed up. The were all in black pants and dress shirts; Matt was the only one in a tie.

"You all look very charming," Tay says. Not too long after, her band arrives. They are similarly dressed to mine, but We Are The In Crowd are all wearing ties.

"Lady killers," I tell them.

About an hour into prom, Alex Gaskarth goes up to the microphone and says, "At this time we will be slowing it down for all the couples, and people who don't mind slow dancing with themselves."

The Maine graces the stage and start the intro to 'Into Your Arms.'

"I love this song," Tay says.

I clear my throat. "Taylor Kathleen, would you please do me the honor and accept this dance?"

"Jenna Rachael, I would be delighted."

I pull her into the middle of the "dance floor" which is really just the ground under the tent. I place my hands on her hips while she wraps her arms around my neck. We gently sway to the song

"I never went to my own prom," I say. "But I'm pretty sure this is better than that could've been."

"Except normal proms probably don't have bugs flying everywhere," she says while swatting a fly out of her face.

"No, typical high school proms only have annoying teenagers that only care about getting laid."


I don't notice the song ends until Alex comes back on the microphone and announces, "Alright, now let's get this party back."

She asks, "Do you wanna get out of here?"

I search for my band. Cam and Matt are standing off to the side, Whakaio is dancing with Rian Dawson and Zack Merrick, and Jake is doing his 'sexy dance.' They'll be fine if I leave.

"Let's go."

We go back to her bus. She changes out of her dress into an old t-shirt and pajama shorts.

"Would you like to change? You can borrow something of mine."

"Thanks, that'd be great."

She points to the back lounge where her suitcase is. "Take whatever you'd like."

I select a black Alice In Chains shirt littered with holes, nylon shorts, and an over-sized sweatshirt that has MIAMI written across the front in big letters. The scent of her shampoo instantly makes it way into my nose. It also smells faintly of smoke, probably from Jordan.

I sit down next to Tay on the couch.

"Did you have fun tonight?" She asks.

"Yeah, I really did."

Hello, Loves. So tomorrow I finish my freshman year of high school.


Reflections - Tay Jardine & Jenna McDougall (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now