Poofless Telling a Secret.

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Rob's P.O.V

Preston and I told The Pack to meet us at the park that was close to school at lunch. The school day went by quickly today. Most likely because Preston was in most of my classes together today that means that we get to hold hands under the deck and pass love note. Sometime we even even make out in the storage closet.

------ Time Skip to the Park. ----

Preston and I ended up walking to the park together. Side by side. Hand in hand. We were about to head to the playground where we told them to meet us. Preston pulled me behind a tree.

" What? " I whispered, facing Preston. He pointed toward the playground. I turned toward the playground seeing Lachlan was chasing Vikk. Vikk tripped causing him to fall forward but Lachlan catch him in time. Lachlan helped Vikk balance again. As soon as Vikk was perfectly balanced. Lachlan wrapped his arms around his waist making Vikk wrapped his arms around Lachlan's neck.

" I love you, Lachlan Power. " Vikk said.

" I love you, Vikram Barn. " Lachlan said, pulling Vikk closer to him. They both lean in and connected their lips together. Lachlan was leaning down slightly and Vikk was on his tippy toes as they kissed. They both pulled away after a little while. Their eyes met once again, both of their eyes filled with such love and passion.

" Tag you're it. " Lachlan said, running away.

" Lachlan, baby come back. " Vikk said, running after him. I laughed at them.

" Vikklan confirmed. " I smiled, turning to Preston. He nodded and flashed me a small smile that made me crazy. I turned back toward the playground to see Vikklan and Merome talking.

" Ready? " I said, looking at Preston.

" Yep. " He said. We both got up and walked toward them.

" So. What did you want to tell
us? " Vikk asked, cuddling into Lachlan crest.

" We're dating. " Preston and I said, happily. They all cheered.

" How long? " Jerome asked.

" One year. " I said, Jerome nodded.

" So happy for you guys. " Lachlan said.

" So is Poofless confirmed? " Mitch asked.

" Well I love him. " Preston said, holding my hand.

" And I love him. " I said, squeezing his hand. They cheered " Aww. ", " Poofless confirmed. " , and " Ship is sailing. ". We ended up talking more and more till we all had to go home. Preston perked my lips before he walked inside his house. Geez this boy always finds a way to make my heart flutter.

------------------ A/N ----------------

Sorry. Short chapter. Been busy.

1 week till school. * Sad face. *

F*ck typos. It's almost 2 in the morning.

439 Words.

Love you guys. Biiiiii.

High Schoolers. The Pack. Vikklan, Poofless, merome.Where stories live. Discover now