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Rin stopped in to visit Jinenji on her way back to Kaede's village. She helped him in the fields and he gave her some medicinal herbs to restore Kaede's dwindling supplies. On her return she found a wounded man and helped heal him. She noticed he is weak during the day and better at night. He was very handsome and close to her in age. Her instinct told her to be careful, he was dangerous. He complimented Rin and told her his name is Vampoku. He's a half prince and soon will run his clan. He invited her to come with him and she declined. He becomes angry and doesn't let her leave. He was going to turn her into a vampire demon like himself. Before she could even draw her blades to fight, he had her by the neck. She screamed and the world went  black.

Lord Sesshomaru arrived to find Vampoku carrying Rin's limp body, with blood on her neck. He sliced Vampoku's head off with the light whip from his claw.  As the body fell, he cought Rin. Sesshomaru laid her on the ground, her body was cold. He felt anguish and extreme sorrow over Rin's death. Then his whole body throbbed with rage. He half transforms into his dog demon true form. His eyes glowed red, claws and jaw extended. He carried Rin to Kaede's village and put her down. Then disappeared, going on a killing rampage. He destroyed everything in his path as he tracked down the clan of Vampoku. A fierce battle takes place, the vampire demons inflicted some bloody wounds, but in the end they're no match for Lord Sesshomaru's wrath.

Sesshomaru came upon a fire dragon, brother to Ryuukotsai. Another battle occured, testing Lord Sesshomaru's ultimate power. He was a little reckless due to his sorrow over Rin. The dragon seized the opportunity and created a deep gash on Sesshomaru's legs. It sent Lord Sesshomaru down to one knee. Suddenly Inu Yasha leaped in front of him and they kill the dragon together. 

Sesshomaru said, "brother." 

Inu Yasha tripped over himself in shock. Kagome realized that something was very wrong. They helped him stand and Sesshomaru regained his composure. Inu Yahsa and Kagome followed him to Kaede's, that was when they saw Rin's body. Sesshomaru knelt down. Kaede was on Rin's other side. Jaken  and Ah-Un stood quietly with their heads hung in sadness. Lord Sesshomaru stood, then went to Ah-Un and got the white and red kimono dress, handing it to Kaede. Kagome helped her bring Rin into the hut to change her. They understood that Sesshomaru wanted Rin to have a proper burial.

Kagome came out of the hut and nodded, "Lord Sesshomaru, Rin is ready."

Sesshomaru entered and picked up Rin's lifeless body. They follow as he carried her to the grave yard. Inu Yasha has just finished digging the grave. Sesshomaru lays Rin on the ground, touched her cheek, stood and started to walk away, "good-bye Rin."

Kagome and Kaede were crying openly. Inu Yasha hugged Kagome close to him. Lord Sesshomaru was about to enter the forest. 

Rin suddenly sat up and cried out, "Lord Sesshomaru don't leave me!" She falls as she tried to stand and go after him. Everyone was shocked.  Before Rin's hands hit the ground, Sesshomaru had her in his arms.

Myoga piped up, "the vampire demon didn't kill her, he had changed her into one of them! She seemed dead, but was just in transition."

Rin cried in Sesshomaru's arms, "I don't understand! Help me change back!"

Kaede explained, "Rin ye cannot change back. Ye are a demon now. Ye heart may be human, but ye body is not. Lord Sesshomaru cannot change ye back. Ye must learn to live as a demon."

Rin struggled to stand and then passed out, while whispering, "forgive me Lord Sesshomaru."

Lord Sesshomaru picked her up again and carried her into Kaede's hut. He ordered Jaken to get her food. Rin has woke up and was leaning against Sesshomaru, when Jaken came back with a small animal. Her hunger made her bite into it and drink its blood. She hung her head in shame,  once finished and realized what she had just done.

Kagome spoke up, "don't worry Rin, it's not your fault. Demons eat flesh, drink blood, feed on fear or souls. You obviously still carry human emotion, so I doubt you can eat souls or survive on fear."

Inu Yasha said, "and anyway now you will always be the same age and never die. That's not so bad." Kagome glares at him and he asked, "What? What did I do now?"

Rin finally smiled. Jaken declared, "now you're one of us Rin."

Rin thanked Kaede, Kagome and Inu Yasha. She explained she cannot stay at the village anymore. They understood. Lord Sesshomaru started walking away, his wounds from earlier had already healed. Rin rode Ah-Un, as she was still weak. Jaken got her another small animal and it gave her more strength.

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