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Lord Sesshomaru had been pre-occupied with Naraku and hence many other demons had moved into his western territory. He knew a lot of fighting would take place over the next few years, so he told Rin to stay in Kaede's village. He would visit often to make sure Rin was well provided for. She learned to fight demons with bow and arrow first. Then as Kohaku completed his slayer training, he tought her how to fight with throwing blades. She preferred to use these. Rin became a pretty, young teenager with a compassionate and courageous heart.

Kaede one day sent her to Jinenji to learn his healing art. Rin grew strong working in the fields and training with her blades. She quickly picked up the healing arts.  Jinenji enjoyed her company. One night during Jinenji's human phase, bandits attacked his village. Rin went to fight them, while the villagers ran away in fear. There were too many bandits and she was overwhelmed and captured. Rin fought the bandits as they beat her. They took away her blades and so she fought them with teeth and nails. The bandits tied her hands and feet, whipping her into submission. Rin made no sound as the lash rained down on her back, but her eyes blazed with hate. The bandit leader told his men to have fun and then kill her. He left with two other captured village girls.

Rin felt their hands on her and knew she was about to be raped and she screamed, "LORD SESSHOMARU!"

Lord Sesshomaru appeared suddenly, red eyed and fierce. His fangs were pronounced and he was snarling. He killed all the humans in seconds, but the bandit leader still got away. He went to Rin and his claws sliced through the ropes.  Rin didn't know it was him, her eyes are swollen shut from being beaten. She started to fight like a wounded animal. Lord Sesshomaru said simply, "Rin". She stopped fighting and curled into a naked mute ball. He covered her with his fur and carried her away, protectively in his arms.

Lord Sesshomaru had Jaken find Rin a kimono and the next day brought her back to Jinenji, who's back into his demon form. Sesshomaru sat quietly in a corner waiting for Rin's wounds to heal. He would leave during the day assigning Jaken to guard her. At night he came back to watch over her.

One night Rin, who is physically almost healed, has a violent nightmare where she re-lives her parents deaths and the assault. She talks and tosses in her sleep. Lord Sesshomaru touches her head, the dream breaks and Rin sleeps soundly.

Rin woke in the morning, ate in silence and then stood, going outside. She hugs Jinenji, then mounts Ah-Un. Jaken says, "finally you're ready Rin. Lord Sesshomaru is waiting."

Rin says nothing. She is mute and shows no emotion. When they meet up with Sesshomaru, she just looks at him and then hangs her head.

They travel a few days, with only Jaken's occasional ramblings lifting the silence. When Rin finally spoke she tells Sesshomaru she is going to hunt down the bandit leader. Jaken says she is a silly girl and will get herself killed. He tells her to at least let Kohaku go with her. Rin gave him a deadly glance and Jaken shuts up in surprise. Sesshomaru says nothing and lets her go. Kohaku gives her the throwing blades.

Rin tracks down the bandit leader. The sun is setting and the sky glows red. The sound of her blades clanging against his sword sends the birds screeching away. He shouted insults and told her all the disgusting things he would do before killing her. Rin said nothing. At last she has him; one blade pressed against his neck drawing blood, another sunk into his belly. He begs for his life. She withdrew her blades and turned around, realizing she can't kill him. She began to walk away. Rin turned around as she heard a strangled cry behind her. The bandit was in process of lunging his blade to kill her, but Lord Sesshomaru appeared suddenly out of no where. He decapitated the bandit with one slash of his sword. Lord Sesshomaru stood there in all his cold demon glory. Rin ran into his arms, buried her face in his chest and sobbed. He hugged her until she stepped back. He pushed a whisp of hair off her tear stained cheek and tucked it behind her ear. Then he turned and walked toward Jaken who is coming out of the forest with Ah-Un.

As the days pass into weeks, Sesshomaru notices Rin is more aggressive in killing demons and fighting bandits. He sees a hardness in her, the light has left her eyes. He doesn't interfere and just watched. He assigned Jaken and Kohaku to kill anyone who might put Rin's life in danger.

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