Chapter Ninety-One

Start from the beginning

"What the hell was that then?" I ask angrily, pushing him away from me.

"I'm sorry that I didn't do anything about her. I didn't want to get in between you if I didn't have to-no offense but you're kind of really scary right now." Peeta says.

I roll my eyes and grab ahold of his hand and we wait for Bristol, Annie and Finnick to show up so that they can have a little fun with us.

Right about then, Finnick, Annie and Finn walk through the door, wearing coats over their bathing suits.

It is still very much winter but it's been decent enough lately but luckily, the pool is indoors.

"You look pretty terrifying in that getup." Finnick greets me with a smirk.

"I told you." Peeta mumbles under his breath.

I turn around and glare, squeezing his hand as tight as I possibly can at the moment, "Do you need me to break that hand in advance?" I mumble to him.

He pries my hand away from his and
Finnick embraces me, "I kind of hate men right now. I would shut up if I were you." I tell him.

He chuckles and kisses my cheek and then hugs Peeta.

"Peetie, your wifey is in a bad mood." He tells him.

Peeta sighs, "I would have to agree that she's a little grumpy." He teases me with a shrug of the shoulders.

"I wonder why, Mellark?" I growl.

Annie and Finn walk up.

Finn is wrapped in a few blankets.

"Katniss, I love seeing your belly all bare. You look good, ignore him." Annie says.

Finn pulls at the blankets and manages them off his head, revealing him in a little swimming diaper and trunks.

I smile a little embarrassedly at Annie, "Um. Thank you." I shrug.

I feel really insecure but it's hotter than hell in this place since it's winter so I'm wearing a fucking bikini, plus, we are pretty much the only people here.

Nobody stays in District Twelve except maybe the obvious skimpy women.

"Come here, baby." I say excitedly as Finn lunges himself at me.

I hold his chunky body up high on my belly and kiss his cheek, "What are you doing, sweet boy?" I smile.

He grins and gives me an opened mouth kiss on my face.

I laugh a little, he's so sweet.

"Are you giving Aunt Katniss kisses, buddy?" Peeta asks Finn.

Finn smiles somewhat shyly at Peeta and he plays with the end of my braid.

I smile and look him over.

It's crazy how big he's gotten since he was born, it's crazy how big I've gotten too.

We conceived a few days after Finn was born so it's kind of cool to see progression with us both.

"I should give your Aunt Katniss some kisses too." Peeta says, titling me back just enough to peck my lips.

"I'm really sorry." He whispers to me, patting my back.

I don't say anything but I'm really not all that mad at him, just at that stupid girl.

Was it not obvious that I excite? I mean I'm huge.

Was it not obvious that we were together?

Or did she notice and just not care?

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