Chapter 13: Eavesdropping

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What could they possibly want with a slipper? Was it just to get money? Sell it? There had to be more meaning to it, right?

What will happen when I refuse to agree to the contract? Wes said nothing would happen, but could I really trust him?

Probably not.

Rubbing my face in frustration, I turned on my side and switched off the lamp on my small, old nightstand.

I guess I'll have to get as many answers as I can tomorrow.


When I woke up, I didn't think I'd have too much trouble getting out of the house.

But sadly, I was wrong. Terri, Alana, and Tessa have been busier than ever because of the ball, and they dragged me into it. I've been helping them pack even though the ball is in a week. Of course they packed a weeks worth of clothes even though they will only stay in a hotel for one night. Alana's excuse was that she would never know what the weather would be like.

I swear all three of them change at least three times a day. I honestly have no idea where or when they got all these clothes.

It wasn't until around three in the afternoon that I was finally able to get away from the crazy women of the house. It was lucky that Terri not-so-kindly told me to go to the supermarket to buy a listed amount of groceries.

I now stood in front of the glass doors covered in milk.

Yes. You heard me.


Some stupid clumsier-than-me idiot tripped over their own shoes at the store and ran straight into me while carrying a gallon of milk from the dairy section.

I remembered then that I was wearing a light, gray jacket. Stripping the milk-soaked clothing off of me, I tied it around my waist. I would have gone home to change but then I most likely wouldn't have been able to get back because of Terri's wrath when it comes to getting food, or anything for that matter, on clothing.

So here I was. Alone and freezing though it was a decent temperature all because of some dope at the market.

I may be a bit harsh but I was not in the mood for this.

Puffing out a breath of air, I swung open one of the doors.

The same blast of air pushed past my body as I entered the building, blowing my hair wildly around my face.

Including in my mouth.


The place was empty as it was yesterday.

"Excuse me, Miss? Can I help you with something?" A voice came from my right.

Huh. I guess it wasn't empty.

I craned my head to look at who had spoken. A young, short man with long black hair was busily rushing around behind a counter.

"Um, actually I came to talk to the he here?" I asked letting my gaze wander around the room.

"Oh. Uh, no, h-he's not. Sorry." The guy said, his eyes darting to the metal door before returning to mine. I was definitely was not convinced. Why was he being so secretive?

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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