Chapter 8: Always Expect the Unexpected

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Chapter 8: Always Expect the Unexpected

"Storm! Calm down! I'm sure it's here somewhere. You just suck at finding things."

I stopped my searching to glower at my best friend. I had been tearing the house apart looking for my phone. After the three left for the meet and greet, Marcy had shown up at my door to find me stressed out. It had been over a week since I had last seen my phone. I had been so busy with chores from Terri and the girls that I hadn't noticed the absence of the device.

If I didn't find it soon, I would most likely go crazy.

I ran my fingers through my hair, smoothing out the tangles. "You don't understand, Marce. If I don't find that phone, Terri will--"

"Hire a hitman and take you out?" She interjected, sighing with an exaggerated eye roll. "I know. You've explained this in much detail before. Which reminds me, how exactly do you know where to buy hitmen?"

"I have my ways."

She arched an eyebrow. "Well that's...concerning."

And there she went again. Questioning my sanity.

Not that I had any at that time.

"Not the point. I have to find it--" I glanced at Marcy, who was lounging across the couch like she owned the place. "Will you get off your lazy butt and help me?" I put my hand on my hip while glaring daggers at her.

Marcy let out a snort of protest. "Hey, I am here for moral support, not human labor."

I groaned in annoyance and threw the closest item I could get my hands on.

"Ow! What the--Storm! Did you just throw a book at my head?!" Marcy yelled.

I shrugged. "I might have." She sent me a death glare. "Can you please get up and help me now?"

Marcy sat up on the couch rubbing her head, her blonde hair frizzing up. "I hate you."

"Mhm sure," I said absentmindedly, shuffling through some papers in a cabinet. "Can you be a dear and go through the closet? It may be in one of the pockets of a jacket or something. Thanks, hun."

Marcy got up, muttering curses at me from under her breath.

I probably deserve that, now that I think about it.

I heard her as she opened the closet door down the hall and started to search. "Why am I even friends with you?"

"Simple. You are super boring, and I am amazing. We complete each other." I called back.

I suddenly heard a crash from the closet. I frowned, stopping what I was doing. Everything was silent until-

"Oh my god! Your stupid umbrella almost just impaled me" Marcy cried. "Why is this closet so lethal?"

I looked over my shoulder at my best friend, who was walking down the hall. She looked mad, to say the least. "This is the last time I come to your house! I didn't even touch anything! That umbrella was possessed. It's freaking creepy!"

I laughed. Believe it or not, this actually wasn't the only time she had said something crazy like that. "You are so over dramatic. You probably just scared it with your face."

"You're so mean." Marcy whined. I rolled my eyes.

I guess Ace rubbed off on me.

"Wait, what?"

I glanced over at Marcy. "Huh?"

She raised an eyebrow. "You said something about Ace. What are you talking about."

I said that out loud?

"Yeah, you did. Care to explain?"

I have got to stop doing that. "Oh, nothing. I was just--"

I was cut off by the loud ring of the door bell. Marcy stared at me with a slightly confused expression. "Who's that?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Terri said they would be gone for two days, so I am pretty sure it's not her."

I made my way over to the door, realizing it was probably just the delivery man. I remember Terri told me last night that she bought some beauty products online and that they would arrive today.

So you could understand how shocked I was when I opened the door, not to find the delivery man, but instead, a stranger I had met before.

He was leaning against the wall next to the door, a knowing smirk on his face, his blue eyes alight with an almost challenging look.

Even without his hoodie on, I could tell who it was.

It was the stranger from the supermarket.


So ik this is short but it's important ok

But I do hope you were humored or intrigued

Thank y'all so much for your awesomeness!

Oh, and if you haven't already, I'd really appreciate if you'd vote for this and the past chapters!

Thanks again!

Until next update,


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