Chapter 4 : The Past

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Chapter 4 : The Past

I kid you not, I nearly jumped six feet when Terri popped out of nowhere and showed up a foot from me. I could tell from her expression that she was once again furious with me. My heart pounded a little faster as a sudden realization flashed through my mind.

I had only finished around two thirds of the chores I was supposed to do. But she didn't know about that yet, so why did she look so mad?

"What did I do now?" I said. It wasn't until after the words slipped from my mouth that I realized my tone was slightly sarcastic. My question seemed to anger her more when she answered, ignoring my remark.

Her hands were clenched at her sides. "Do you know what you've done?" She hissed, glaring at me. I locked gazes with her. For the millionth time, I could see the accusation and hatred in them. It made my stomach churn and a sudden wave of sadness washed over me.

My mother left my father and I when I was five. I don't have many memories with her. But I know that all I really wanted since then was someone who loved and cared for me. Of course, I had my dad, but there was always an empty space in my heart where my mother once was.

When Terri came around, I was happy at first. I thought that maybe I would have a mom again and everything would work out. Sure, she didn't really treat me like her own daughter, but she wasn't horrible. Things were starting to look up.

That was until Dad died in a car accident.

I had never really been much of a crier. Every so often when he was alive I would, but not too much. But then I changed.

I have only cried three times in the last two years. Once when I found out that he was gone and once the day we left my home in Florida. The third time was after his funeral when everyone else had left. I couldn't bring myself to cry during, I was still in shock. But after I finally came to understand what happened, I broke. I stayed next to his casket for hours and grieved. Trust me, I know crying does nothing, but even knowing that doesn't stop the pain.

One of the worst things I saw that day was Terri's expression. It wasn't of sadness or grief. She showed little emotion, never crying. Instead she looked bored. It was like she didn't care that her husband died.

In fact, right before she left the ceremony with Alana and Tessa, she had a small, twisted smile on her face.

That was when I knew she had only married Dad for his money.

I should probably say that my father and I actually did have money before Terri came into the family picture. We were lucky enough to have more than enough money to support ourselves.

But then disaster struck when my aunt fell ill. I hadn't realized how bad her condition was until my dad had to drive six hours from where we lived to go to the hospital she was in. My aunt, Jessa Tyler, was a single mother with two children to look after. She was having a really hard time financially, so she had trouble paying for her treatments. I couldn't understand why her treatments were so expensive.

I found out when the doctors told us she had cancer.

My father is the kind of man to do anything for his family, so when he heard the news, he jumped at the chance to help her out.

That's when the money began to disappear.

We did everything, but aunt Jessa wasn't getting any better. The cycle lasted for months, until we could hardly afford to care for ourselves. Around six months after we had arrived, she started to show signs of recovering. The whole family was hopeful.

But then, the accident happened.

A week later, aunt Jessa passed away.

I felt so alone. Everyone I had loved was gone. To make things worse, I was stuck with a woman who hated my guts along with her two bratty teenagers. I missed him. I still miss my father, as well as aunt Jessa, but the first months were hard to get through. I forced myself to forget. I pushed my father and my aunt's deaths out of my mind to keep myself from breaking again. It was so hard, especially with my family constantly reminding me. So, over time, I learned to build my walls with cold hard steel. I vowed to myself that I wouldn't let anything else hurt me.

My dad was like my best friend. We were so close. Sure he worked many days during the week, but when he wasn't, he would spend all of his time around me. We had been through so much together, so I can't cry.

I know that if I let it out now, there would be no end.

My dad told me that everybody has dark times in their lives, but after the darkness, there will always be light. You just have to keep going.

I trust him and his words. Now all I can do is wait.

"Ella!" Terri snapped. "Are you even listening to me?!"

I blinked before shrugging. "No." I admitted.

"You were gone all night! You never fixed Tessa and Alana's dresses!" I nearly rolled my eyes.

I sighed. "I'm-"

"Shut up!" She shrieked. "You are so useless! You can never do anything right! Your sisters had to go out and buy new outfits because of you!" As she ranted, I could see Alana and Tessa enjoying the show behind her back.

"Why is it such a big deal?" I found myself saying.

"So not only are you totally stupid, but lazy too!" Terri spat. "I see why your mother left you. I'll bet she saw you as a failure."

I choked on air as I took in her words. My stomach clenched with sadness before anger crashed into me. "You don't know anything about my mother!"

"Then why did she leave?" Terri taunted. "Did she find someone else? Someone better than your pathetic father?" My eyes widened and a cruel smirk made it's way onto her face.

Rage boiled through my blood. "You know what? Shut up! I am sick and tired of you bossing me around! Not to mention that you talk crap about my family!" I shouted. "I won't let you-"

"Ella!" Terri yelled. "I am done with this attitude! Shut your mouth and get to work before I put you in the basement again!"

Of course she'd say that. That is usually the punishment Terri used on me whenever I do something wrong. I'd end up getting locked in the basement.

Over the years, I've grown to hate that basement.

I narrowed my eyes. I was about to push the argument further when I stopped myself.

When you get an email, Storm. Wait until you get that email.

I breathed in deeply before gritting my teeth in aggravation. "Fine." I snapped. I threw one more glare at Terri before sliding around her before I could do anything stupid.

As soon as I get a job, I'm out of this place. I'll find somewhere else to live. Somewhere far, far away from here.

I'd finally be free.


New update? #ithinkyes

Sorry for the wait. I've been kind if busy lately.

So I do know that Storm has been pretty closed off with her past, so here's some insight to it.

Anyhow, I know this chapter is a bit short. The good news is is that I am nearly finished with the next one, and I hope to put it up soon.

But I think y'all will be meeting a new character next chapter

Thank you guys so much for all of the support! It made me happy as well as motivated to write.

Hope ya liked!


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