"It, it's not too late you know... you could have asked me, it's never too late." I say before pushing myself away from him so I can sit crossed legged and so he turns to face me, his legs turning and coming up underneath him as he gets comfy on the seat.

"How would I know... I'm just the player that plays all girls like a violin and you'd be stupid to get messed up with me. I know I'm not good enough for you, I've always known it." The sad look that takes over his whole face and demeanour breaks my heart, his shoulders curl in at the sides and his head droops a little, bowing down like the puppy he secretly is.

"No, it's never too late for anything and you know I thought the same before, I knew you'd play me like a violin and I tried so hard to stay away but every time I try to stay away I get brought back with more force than I left with. I'm tired of trying to be the good girl. I'm tired of staying away because look where it gets me, where it gets us. And you are good enough for me, you really, really are." I say looking in his eyes the whole time, refusing to give in on the contact, refusing to give in to the little competition that I'm making it.

"What do you mean it's never too late? It can be too late, I was too late and that's that." He moans, he tries not to I can tell that much.

"Exactly what I said, it's not too late. I don't know why I'm going to say this but... if you laugh in my face then take it as a friendly way to save my embarrassment but..." I stop trying to take in a long deep breath. Can I go through with this? Can I tell him or am I not going to be able to get the words out of my throat? "I, I think I..." that's literally all I can get out of my mouth right now, I don't know how to get anything past it and it's doing my head in. I lean my head back and look up at the light; my eyes fixing on a point where I just let this moment sink in.

The reason I can't say it is because I'm scared of the rejection that's sure to come. I can't say it when I'm next to him in case I need to run up to my room in embarrassment that's sure to slap me right across the face.

Getting up I very quickly head over to the other side of the coffee table, the further I am the less likely it is to hurt more. It'll hurt more next to him. I never should have let myself fall for him. Never, ever, ever in a million years.

I'm just about to spit the words out when, "I can't hold this in any longer Sophie, I love you so much and I've been such an idiot not to ever tell you." Sounds out of Dean's mouth. I look at him, my head snapping down and around to look at him in astonishment, how... why... how could he love me of all people? And since when? He's the player, he doesn't fall, he lets the girls do the falling... doesn't he? "I wanted to tell you ages ago that I like you but I know you like all that girly romantic stuff and I didn't know how to do it and that was just another reason why I should back out of telling you and when I did decide what I was going to do it was too late and that's when I started to realise that I love you and I've just not admitted it to myself until today."

"But... but... what?" is all that comes out of my mouth... ok so loving this idiot has now turned me into the idiot that can't speak... how does that work?

"I love you, that's what and I know it's not the right time but I'm fed up of just sitting on it and having to wait to tell you. At least if I've told you then it's better, I don't have to worry about telling you... I just have to worry about the reaction." He says standing up and walking around the coffee table so he can stand in front of me, his hands taking a hold of my elbows and then going down my arms to my hands.

"..." I go to speak again but it end up opening and closing my mouth like a fish.

"Shh, you don't have to say anything." He says his voice low as he places a finger over my lips.

"I... I do." I say looking up at him. "I love you too." I force the words out of me.

"Don't say that if you don't mean it Soph, I told you, you don't need to say anything." He says his voice low and sexy and husky.

"But..." I start but he's already got his finger over my lips again and starting to talk to shut me up.

"Don't... please don't say anything. Just know that I do love you and when you are in the right place I'll be here. I'll be here waiting for you." He says before there's a bang from the back opening and then some weird man is barging through the door from the kitchen.

"What the hell are you home for? Don't you know that skiving with a girl is not classy? That it's the worst way to get a girl to bed? Because as soon as it's over you'll both get into trouble for it!" the man snaps. His hair is dark, the same sort of colour as Dean's only he has some grey through it and he has a ripped shirt on- it's meant to be that way by the looks of it- and a pair of jeans, it's not what would look like his normal attire, suits look like his thing, whoever he is.

"Um, Dean, who the hell is this?" I ask my mouth almost open in confusion, my eyes wide while trying to figure out any reason why a random would burst into my house for no reason without anyone I actually know. "And what the hell is he doing here?"

"This, Sophie, is my Dad... and I have no idea." He murmurs stepping in front of me, his face one of shock and horror and annoyance... so now I've met the famous Murray Bean...


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