Chapter 9

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When I’m done crying my eyes out I’m tired as hell but I decide that now is as good a time as any to go out riding on Foxy. I go out to catch her when I’m in a pair of joads and a strappy top and then I tack her up before jumping onto the pony’s back.

Her saddle is the comfiest thing I have ever sat on. It’s like flying on a feather or like being on a bean bag bead- or to me anyway, that would be soooo comfy.

We trot out of the yard happily, Foxy’s ears pricked forwards the whole time as we head up the track that leads to the woods. The woods are massive and pretty easy to get lost in if you’re not on the tracks. Usually when I’m feeling like I am the now I go to the track with logs so I can jump so we go to that track.

We fly over all the jumps- Dean and I made them last summer, just with logs and we made a ditch in the ground so we can practice cross country, the main reason for the jumps.

We finish the jumps and head to a little clearing in the middle of the woods. The clearing is great; it’s a big meadow that is great for cantering in so as we take off at the side we head across the middle full pealt.

The grass is sort of long so I’m not surprised when a pheasant flies up out of the grass right under Foxy’s feet. She spooks to the side, veering a very sharp left- with me in jumping position out of the saddle- I go flying to the right, crashing into the ground with a bang.

Dean’s POV:“Liam, where’s Foxy?” I shout up the yard to where Liam is standing filling up the water buckets.

“Sophie took her out.” He shouts back, I can feel the glare he is giving me from up the yard.

“How long ago was that?” I shout back, I’ve been on the yard for an hour already and even on a day that she goes to clear her mind she doesn’t take this long. I’m sure she’s been gone for a lot longer than he thinks, I don’t exactly know but she wasn’t here when I came off the bus.

“I dunno, like around half one? She needed time to herself.” He shouts back. Right, so that means she’s been I dunno, like three hours? No way would she normally be that long.

“Right, I’m going out with Spritzer!” I shout back before going back to the horses stable. Spritzer is a big coloured horse, white, bay and a few black bits. I had him tacked up before I went to ask about Sophie so I take him out of the stable and pull my hat on before jumping on and riding out of the yard.

I don’t know where she’ll have gone, maybe up to the woods? That’s where she would usually go.

As soon as the big horses feet hit the grass I push him into a trot-letting him work his muscles in- and when we’ve reached the woods I put him into a canter feeling his muscles bunch up under him so I push him on more, he loves dressage so always goes onto an outline and into a bouncy canter which certainly won’t help me today.

As soon as I reach the jumping track I pull up seeing- to anyone else what would be some random horse- Foxy standing at a log jump. She is covered in sweat and is foaming at her mouth and between her legs. Her mane and tail are wind swept and have burrs and twigs in them. Her eyes are wide with her nostrils flared wide and reins somehow still around her neck.

Oh Shit. Where the hell is Sophie?

All thoughts that can fill me head do fill my head. She could be lost somewhere; she could be dead in a ditch. She could be really hurt. She could be dead?

No, I can’t let myself believe that she’s dead. She’s not dead… is she?

I walk over to Foxy while on Spritzer and grab her reins. I might not like the pony but at least she’s ok to catch right now when it matters. Leaning down to the pony’s level I slide the lead rope I had on the saddle through the bit and attach it to the other side ring before leading the pony along the track.

When we reach the opening to the learning my eyes scan around the meadow searching for my best friend.

My eyes land on her body lying sprawled out on the ground in a tangled heap… oh shit.


Sorry i took so long guys, thanks for reading and please keep voting thanks :)

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