Chapter 8

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I wake up to a ‘Morning beautiful Xx’ text from Louis which I reply with ‘Morning back at you Xx’ while smiling to myself. I could get used to this. It’s cool waking up to a morning text from a guy that’s not Dean. It’s cute and cool and fun. I don’t know what to expect because I’ve never been given the chance to know about this stuff.

‘Look, I’m sorry, please, can we just talk? Xxxx’ is from Dean.

‘U might b but I’m not ready, give me time. Xxxx’ I reply, keeping the kisses because if I don’t that would be like I don’t care when I do care.

When I’m ready for school and to go to the bus I head down to the living room where I find Liam. We get a lift from our Dad who drops us off at the bus stop. We get out of the car when it comes to a stop and then go to the bus shelter bit where we sit down. I brought a flask of hot chocolate because it’s cold and because I was in the mood for it.

Dean comes along just as I pull my phone out from it buzzing.

‘Can I meet you before class? Xx’

“Who are you speaking to Sophie?” Liam asks trying to look over my shoulder but I hide the phone from him again like last night.

‘Yeah, out front? Xx’

“Louis…” I reply trying not to look up at my former best friend.

“Aww, did he send a morning text?” Liam asks looking at me with his big blue eyes.

“Yep, and a night text…” I smile at the thought of it as another text comes through.

‘Cool, see you soon. Xx’

‘Yep, see ya soon. Xx’

“Aw, cute…” Liam jokes in an attempt of my voice.

“Shut it Liam, you don’t get to judge.” I smirk pushing his shoulder with mine as the bus comes around the corner.

“Don’t be mean.” He moans back to me as we get up to go over to the bus where I stand next to Dean. He looks at me, his face pale and his eyes red and tired.  He looks like he’s hardly slept at all which is just like me but I’ve kept it hidden. I don’t know how tonight’s going to go when we’re both working, last night was fine because he wasn’t working but he is tonight and with us not talking it is certainly not going to be fun.

“Hey.” He says looking over to me, moving his feet over so he’s sliding over to me a little.

“Hey.” I say back trying to think what to say. I still need to apologise for being such a bitch to him yesterday because I haven’t yet and I feel bad for it.

I need to do it but I don’t. I let us get on the bus without talking, my eyes following his movements as I make my way up the aisle to where Liam sits with his friends where I sit down next to Tom and then Liam sits next to me with his arm around my neck. If it’s up to him I’m never going to go back to talking to him and I’m seriously struggling with not speaking to him.

Later on I’m with Lola walking out of our third period class, Maths, to the toilet, hence how we got rid of Louis, when I see Dean. I am or was, fully prepared to go apologise for being such a bitch to him and to try and sort everything out with him. I was prepared for the usual make-up thing we have going on where I end up running over and attacking him with a hug to say that I’m over it. That was before. Before I saw him in the middle of the corridor snogging the face off the schools sluttiest girl- Stacey (god, the name even fits well with the status!). And now some people wonder? I want to cry because it hurts. He went from kissing me to kissing her. And that hurts. A lot.

Really? My Best Friend?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن